100 Years of Memorable Movie
Title Screens: 1977

ABBA The Movie (1977, Swe./Australia)
Airport '77 (1977)

The American Friend (1977, W.Germ./Fr.) (aka Der Amerikanische Freund)

The Anchorite (1977, Sp.) (aka El Anacoreta)

Andy Warhol's Bad (1977)

Annie Hall (1977)

Are You Being Served? (1977, UK)

The Ascent (1977, Soviet Union) (aka Voskhozhdeniye or Восхождение)

Audrey Rose (1977)

An Average Little Man (1977, It.) (aka Un Borghese Piccolo Piccolo)

Backroads (1977, Australia)

The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training (1977)

(In the) Beach House (1977, It.) (aka Casotto)

The Beast in Heat (1977, It.) (aka La Bestia En Calor, or SS Hell Camp)

Beyond the Door II (1977, It.) (aka Shock)

Bilitis (1977, Fr./It.)

The Billion Dollar Hobo (1977)

Billy Jack Goes to Washington (1977)

The Black Panther (1977, UK)

Black Sunday (1977)

Bobby Deerfield (1977)

The Brain Machine (1977) (aka Gray Matter)

A Bridge Too Far (1977, US/UK)

The Brothers Lionheart (1977, Swe.) (aka Broderna Lejon Hjärta)

Candleshoe (1977)

Capricorn One (1977)

Captive Women 4 (1977, Fr.) (aka Elsa Fräulein SS, or Fraulein

The Car (1977)

Casa Privata per le SS (1977, It.) (aka Private House of the SS Girls)

Ceddo (1977, Senegal) (aka Outsiders)

Charge of the Model T's (1977)

Charleston (1977, It.)

The Chess Players (1977, India) (aka Shatranj Ke Khilari)

The Child (1977)

The Choirboys (1977)

Cinderella (1977)

Citizens Band (1977) (aka Handle With Care)

Citizens Band (1977) (aka Handle With Care)

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

Confessions From a Holiday Camp (1977, UK)

Die Konsequenz (1977, W.Germ.) (aka The Consequence)

Le Crabe-Tambour (1977, Fr.) (aka Drummer-Crab)

The Crater Lake Monster (1977)

Cross of Iron (1977)

Damnation Alley (1977)

Dark Echoes (1977, US/Yugoslavia)

Deadly Harvest (1977, Canada)

Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977)

Death Game (1977)

Death of a Corrupt Man (1977, Fr.) (aka Mort d'un Pourri)

Death of a President (1977, Poland) (aka Smierc Prezydenta)

The Deep (1977)

Demon Seed (1977)

(John Waters') Desperate Living (1977)

The Devil Probably (1977, Fr.) (aka Le Diable Probablement)

The Disappearance (1977, UK/Canada)

The Dog That Liked Trains (1977, Yugo.) (aka Pas Koji Je Voleo Vozove)

The Domino Principle (1977, UK/US) (aka The Domino Killings)

Dot and the Kangaroo (1977, Australia)

Double Murder (1977, It./Fr.) (aka Doppio Delitto)

The Duellists (1977, UK)

East of Elephant Rock (1977, UK)

Eaten Alive (1977)

Elisa, Vida Mía (1977, Sp.) (aka Elisa, My Life)

Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals (1977, It.) (aka Emanuelle e gli
Ultimi Cannibali)

Emmanuelle 3 (1977, Fr.) (aka Goodbye Emmanuelle)

(H.G. Wells') Empire of the Ants (1977)

End of the World (1977)
Equus (1977, UK/US)

Eraserhead (1977)

Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)

First Love (1977)

For the Love of Benji (1977)

Full Circle (1977, Canada, UK) (aka The Haunting of Julia)

Fun With Dick and Jane (1977)

The Gauntlet (1977)

The Gestapo's Last Orgy (1977, It.) (aka L'Ultima Orgia Del III Reich)

The Glitterball (1977, UK)

Golden Rendezvous (1977, South Africa) (aka Nuclear Terror)

Goliathon (1977, HK) (aka The Mighty Peking Man, or Xing Xing Wang)

(Neil Simon's) The Goodbye Girl (1977)

Grand Theft Auto (1977)

The Grateful Dead (Movie) (1977)

Greased Lightning (1977)

The Greatest (1977, US/UK)

The Haunting of Julia (1977, Canada, UK) (aka Full Circle)

Hellish Flesh (1977, Brazil) (aka Inferno Carnal)

Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo (1977)

Heroes (1977)

High Anxiety (1977)

The Hills Have Eyes (1977)

Hitler: A Film from Germany (1977, W.Germ.) (aka Hitler, ein Film
aus Deutschland)

The Hobbit (1977) (TV)

Holocaust 2000 (1977, It./UK) (aka Lucifer's Curse, or Rain of Fire)

House (1977, Jp.) (aka Hausu)

House (1977, Jp.) (aka Hausu)

House (1977, Jp.) (aka Hausu)

I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (1977)

Ilsa the Tigress of Siberia (1977, Canada)

Ilsa The Wicked Warden (1977, US/Switz./W.Germ.) (aka Wanda, The
Wicked Warden, or Greta the Mad Butcher)

The Incredible Melting Man (1977)

Iphigenia (1977, Greece) (aka Ifigeneia, or Ιφιγένεια)
The Island of Dr. Moreau (1977)

Islands in the Stream (1977)

Jabberwocky (1977, UK)

Jailbait Babysitter (1977)

Jesus of Nazareth (1977, It./UK) (TV)

Joseph Andrews (1977, UK)

Judge Fayard Called the Sheriff (1977, Fr.) (aka Le Juge Fayard dit
Le Shériff)

Julia (1977)

The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977)

Kids of Shaolin (1977, Taiwan) (aka Shao Lin xiao zi, or The Shaolin
Death Squad)

Killer of Sheep (1977)

Kingdom of the Spiders (1977)

The Lacemaker (1977, Fr.) (aka La Dentellière)

Last Chants For a Slow Dance (1977)

The Last Dinosaur (1977, Jp./US)

The Last Remake of Beau Geste (1977)

The Last Wave (1977, Australia)

The Late Show (1977)

The Lincoln Conspiracy (1977)

A Little Night Music (1977, US/W.Germ./Austria)

Looking for Mr. Goodbar (1977)

The Lorry (1977, Fr.) (aka Le Camion)

MacArthur (1977)

Madame Rosa (1977, Fr.) (aka La Vie Devant Soi)

The Magic Horse (1977, Soviet Union) (aka The Magic Pony)

Maladolescenza (1977, W. Germ./It.)

Mama (1977, Fr./Romania/Soviet Union) (aka Rock'n Roll Wolf)

Man of Marble (1977, Poland) (aka Czlowiek Z Marmuru)

The Man Who Loved Women (1977, Fr.) (aka L'Homme Qui Aimait Les Femmes)

Manly Times (1977, Bulgaria) (aka Мъжки времена,
or Mazhki Vremena)

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)

March or Die (1977, UK)

(Hollywood) Meatcleaver Massacre (1977)

La Menace (1977, Fr./Canada) (aka The Threat)

The Message (1977, Morocco/Libya) (aka Mohammad: Messenger of God)

Mimino (1977, Soviet Union) (aka Мимино)

Mr. Billion (1977)

Murder in Peyton Place (1977) (TV)

Nenè (1977, It.) (aka Sweet Adolescents)

New York, New York (1977)

A Nice Plate of Spinach (1977, Czech.) (aka Což Takhle D át
Si špenát)

Office Romance (1977, Soviet Union) (aka Служебный роман,
or Sluzhebnyy Roman)

Oh, God! (1977)

One on One (1977)

One Sings the Other Doesn't (1977, Ven./Fr./Belg.) (aka L'une Chante
L'Autre Pas)

Opening Night (1977)

Orca (1977)

The Other Side of Midnight (1977)

Outlaw Blues (1977)

The Pack (1977)

Padre Padrone (1977, It.) (aka Father and Master)

Pafnucio Santo (1977, Mex.)

The People That Time Forgot (1977, UK)
Pete's Dragon (1977)

Petey Wheatstraw (1977) (aka The Devil's Son in Law)

The Picture Show Man (1977, Australia)

A Piece of the Action (1977)

Planet of Dinosaurs (1977)

The Prince and the Pauper (1977, UK/US) (aka Crossed Swords)

Providence (1977, Fr./Switz./UK)

The Psychic (1977, It.) (aka Sette Note in Nero, or Death Tolls Seven

Pumping Iron (1977)

Rabid (1977) (aka Rage)

Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown (1977)

Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure! (1977) (first screen)

Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure! (1977) (second screen)

Raid on Entebbe (1977) (TV)

Rain of Fire (1977, It./UK) (aka Lucifer's Curse, or Holocaust 2000)

The Red Nights of the Gestapo (1977, It.) (aka Le Lunghe Notti Della Gestapo)

Rembrandt fecit 1669 (1977, Netherlands)

The Rescuers (1977)

Rock'n Roll Wolf (1977, Fr./Romania/Soviet Union) (aka Mama)
Rollercoaster (1977)

Rolling Thunder (1977)

Roots (1977) (TV)

Roseland (1977)

Ruby (1977)

Satanic Sisters (1977, Switz.) (aka Sexy Sisters, or Die Teuflischen

Saturday Night Fever (1977)

Scalpel (1977) (aka False Face)

Scott Joplin (1977)

Semi-Tough (1977)

The Sentinel (1977)

The Serpent's Egg (1977, W.Germ./US)

Shock Waves (1977)

Short Eyes (1977)

Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977, UK)
Slap Shot (1977)

Sleeping Dogs (1977, NZ)
Smokey and the Bandit (1977)
Soldier of Orange (1977, Neth.) (aka Soldaat van Oranje)

Some Like It Cool (1977, Austria/Fr./It.) (aka The Amorous Mis-Adventures
of Casanova, or Sex on the Run, or 13 Femmes Pour Casanova)
Sorcerer (1977)

La Soufrière (1977, W.Germ.)

A Special Day (1977, It.) (aka Una Giornata Particolare)

Speedtrap (1977)

Spider-Man (1977) (TV) (aka The Amazing Spider-Man)

The Spy Who Loved Me (1977, UK)

Star Wars (1977) (aka Episode IV: A New Hope)

Star Wars (1977) (aka Episode IV: A New Hope)

Starship Invasions (1977, Canada)

Stop Calling Me Baby! (1977, Fr.) (aka Moi, Fleur Bleue)

The Strange Case of the End of Civilisation As We Know It (1977,

Stroszek: A Ballad (1977, W. Germ.)

SuperVan (1977)
Suspiria (1977, It./W. Germ.)

Sweeney! (1977, UK)

Telefon (1977)

Tenda dos Milagres (1977, Brazil) (aka Tent of Miracles)

Tentacles (1977, It./US) (aka Tentacoli)

That Obscure Object of Desire (1977, Fr./Sp.) (aka Cet Obscur Objet
du Désir)

That's Carry On (1977, UK)

Three Women (1977) (aka 3 Women)

Thunder and Lightning (1977)

Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea (1977, Czech.) (aka
Zítra Vstanu a Opařím se čajem)

Tongpan (1977, Thailand)

The Turning Point (1977)

21 Up (1977, UK) (TV)

Twilight's Last Gleaming (1977)

The Uncanny (1977, Canada/UK)

Unwilling Lovers (1977) (aka Young Lovers)

Valentino (1977, UK/US)

The Van (1977)

Viva L'Italia! (1977, It.) (aka I Nuovi Mostri, or The New Monsters)

Viva Knievel! (1977)

Walking Tall: Final Chapter (1977) (aka Final Chapter: Walking Tall)

War in Space (1977, Jp.) (aka Wakusei Daisenso)

War of the Planets (1977, It.) (aka Anno Zero - Guerra Nello Spazio)

Where Time Began (1977, Sp.) (aka Viaje al Centro de la Tierra, or The Fabulous
Journey to the Centre of the Earth)

Which Way Is Up? (1977)

White Bim Black Ear (1977, Soviet Union) (aka Belyy Bim Chernoe Ukho,
or Белый Бим Чёрное ухо)

The White Buffalo (1977)

Wilma (1977) (TV)

Wizards (1977)

Wombling Free (1977, UK)

The World's Greatest Lover (1977)

Wounded Game (1977, Soviet Union) (aka Podranki, The Orphans, or

The Yellow Handkerchief (1977, Jp.) (aka Shiawase no Kiiroi Hankachi)