Twilight (1998)
In co-writer/director Robert Benton's
moody, low-key, somber neo-noirish, who-dunit detective drama - the
over-wrought R-rated story told about an intriguing past unsolved
Hollywood death case and cover-up, adultery, blackmail,
betrayal, and long-buried secrets that would
haunt retired ex-cop and alcoholic, aging private investigator Harry
Ross (73 year-old Paul Newman). Tinseltown was depicted as a place
of dreams, privilege, corruption, distrust and desperation, and by
film's end, there were four deaths (three males and one female).
There were also many serious and melancholy musings (plus jokes) in
the dialogue about mortality, the "twilight" of
life, and typical signs of aging amongst the elderly protagonists.
Co-scriptor Richard Russo co-adapted
the script from his novel of the same name. Paul
Newman's previous film Nobody's Fool (1994) was also written
and directed by Benton, and based on a novel by Russo. The
film was considered an unofficial 3rd film to complete a trilogy of
private-eye Lew Harper films (similar to the Harry Ross character)
that Newman starred in previously: Harper (1966) and The
Drowning Pool (1975). [Note: The film version of Lew Harper was
based upon the character of Lew Archer in Ross Macdonald's private
eye novels.] Co-stars Gene Hackman had earlier portrayed a PI in Night
Moves (1975) and James Garner had also played the role of a PI
in the popular TV show The Rockford Files (1974-1980) and starred
in the film Marlowe (1969) as Raymond Chandler's title character - LA PI Philip Marlowe.
The film's rich score was composed by the
legendary Elmer Bernstein. Its color cinematography (by Polish-born Piotr
Sobocinski) and its cast of well-known accomplished actors belied the
film's roots in film-noir. However, the deliberately-paced film did
feature many of the main components of classic noir: a down-and-out
private detective on a mission, a sultry and flirtatious femme
fatale (Susan Sarandon), crackling, sharp and witty dialogue, scenes
mostly occurring at twilight or nighttime, and numerous twists and complex
turns in the predictable, contrived and mundane plot that in some respects
paid homage to the confusions in The Big Sleep
The film's title was again used more noticeably for the
unrelated series of romantic vampire films beginning in 2008. During
filming, its original title was The Magic Hour, but due to the
similarly-named TV show (starring LA Lakers star Magic Johnson) at
the time that had been cancelled, a change had to be made. The
film's more ambiguous title had a double meaning - it referred to the
time of day, as well as to the later stages of life of the
major characters. The tagline summarized the protagonist's dilemma:
"Some people can buy
their way out of anything. Except the past."
On a budget of $37 million, the Paramount film made only
$15 million, and in addition to mixed and lukewarm reviews, it was
considered a box-office bomb. The recent release of the juggernaut
Titanic (1997) seriously hurt the plodding and slow-moving film's
chances of success. The film was infamous, however, because it featured
aspiring 22 year-old actress Reese Witherspoon in her first nude (topless)
scene as a 17 year-old runaway. It would be another 16 years before
she also appeared unclothed in Wild (2014).
- in the film's opening sequence, aging, white-haired
ex-cop and PI Harry Ross (Paul Newman) was drinking beers in a Puerto
Vallarta, Mexican resort, while being entertained at the pool by
a Mexican mariachi band; he had been hired to stalk and locate a
young couple: older and sleazy, small-time thug and loser boyfriend
Jeff Willis (Liev Schreiber) and younger 17 year-old Mel Ames (future
Oscar-winner Reese Witherspoon for Walk the Line (2005));
he identified them and listened as they ordered drinks 10 feet away
from him and charged the tab to Room # 137
Slacker Jeff Willis Answering Mel's Question: "Do you love me?"
- after briefly swimming in the ocean, the two retreated
to their resort hotel room, and after Jeff kissed
down Mel's naked chest, she asked uncertainly: "Jack? Do you love
me?... I mean, it's okay if you don't"; as he showered behind
a closed bathroom door, she was confronted by Harry in the bedroom
(he had earlier broken in to their room) - and she hypothesized that
he had been hired to return her to her home in LA: "Let me guess.
My parents sent you"
- as Harry dragged her away through the resort, Jeff
(wrapped in a towel) caught up to them and demanded for her to be
released; Harry ordered: "Listen, she's 17 years old, and I'm taking
her home. Don't try anything"; Harry was hit from behind by Mel,
causing him to drop his revolver; Mel picked it up and accidentally
fired the gun into the deck-tiling, causing the bullet to ricochet
into Harry's right upper thigh
- in Los Angeles (Hollywood), CA two years later (October
20, 1997) - during a taped police interrogation, Harry spoke (in
voice-over) resentfully about his 20 year career as a cop and 5 year
stint as a PI: "My name is Harry Ross. And here's the way my life has gone. First I
was a cop, then a private detective. And then - a drunk. Also, in
there somewhere, a husband and a father. You'd think, with all that,
that the world loses its power to seduce. But you'd be wrong"
- [Note:
As in the classic Murder,
My Sweet (1944), the film then flashbacked to the film's
almost entire story, to fill in the backstory of why he was being interrogated.]
- the opening title credits played atop a sparkling
outdoor pool where a fully-nude female figure swam underwater; retired
ex-detective Harry (wearing a crisp, pink long-sleeved Ralph Lauren
dress shirt, a gift from) happened to enter the pool area and averted
his eyes as Catherine Ames (Susan Sarandon), a wealthy ex-Hollywood
70's star, exited the pool behind him; she manipulatively flirted
with him about how he had seen all of her movies: ("You've seen
everything there is of me to see...Well, it's safe to turn around
now"); after being wounded by the gunshot, as compensation and to keep his
dignity, Harry was living as a "kept" man rent-free on the grounds
(above the garage) of the Ames' Art Deco estate, doing handyman odd-jobs
and errands for the Ames family and subsisting on their good will
- [Note: The location of the Ames' mansion in Santa
Monica, CA was built in the 1920s for actress Dolores Del Rio by
her husband Cedric Gibbons (the designer of the Oscar statue).]
- from
a second floor window, Catherine's celebrity husband, another ex-star
Jack Ames (Gene Hackman), called out for Harry to join him for a
game of cards; before Harry left, Catherine discussed how she was
angered at Jack for "bouncing
checks, making withdrawals without telling me, not listening to his
doctor's recommendations...in short, being Jack"
- inside
as Jack and Harry played a friendly game of gin rummy (with high-stakes
betting) while teasingly bickering with each other, Jack asked Harry
to complete a simple errand - to deliver a small manila-envelope package
(contents unidentified) to Gloria Lamar (Margo Martindale) at an address
in Los Angeles; although Harry was dubious, Jack insisted it wasn't
blackmail money: ("You
think it's blackmail, right? Well, it's not"), although cautioned
that Harry should keep it a secret from Catherine
- simultaneously,
Jack Ames' delivery request came just after his doctor had informed
him that his cancer diagnosis was back and no longer in remission,
and he had declined any "aggressive" therapies
(angering Catherine); he incorrectly quoted Samuel Johnson: "There's
nothing that concentrates the mind like the prospect of death";
he claimed he had only one year and 10 months maximum to live; Harry
restated the quote: "The prospect of hanging concentrates the
- in the kitchen, Harry playfully argued
with Mel who could barely tolerate his presence, and who put him down
as an errand boy: "You think you're a member of this family, don't you? Well, you're not.
You're just the hired help"; as Harry was leaving, Catherine spotted the package in Harry's car
that he was about to deliver - she queried: "Is Jack in some
kind of trouble?", but Harry told her not to worry; she asked
if he would be there for Jack, and then for her if needed - Harry
reacted as if the question didn't need to be asked
- later at dusk on the errand to deliver the package,
Harry pulled up in his old 1986 Ford LTD Crown Victoria in front
of a flop-house located at 3104 Palmetto St.; he entered the disheveled
house when no one answered his knocks; in a back room, a man holding
a bloody abdomen gun-shot wound unexpectedly fired his gun multiple
times at Harry; after a pursuit into a bathroom, the lethally-wounded
individual fell dead; with dry wit, Harry recalled (in voice-over)
about the ex-cop:
- "One thing you can count
on as a private investigator is that any time a client says, 'You
don't need to carry a gun,' that's when you ought to bring two.
The guy was dead alright, but before he was dead he was a very
sick man. As it turns out, his name was Lester Ivar, a retired
During Delivery of Package to "Gloria Lamar" - a Gun
Attack on Harry by Lethally-Wounded Lester Ivar (M. Emmet Walsh)
at a Flop-House on Palmetto St. in LA
- the residence address given for Lester Ivar on his
California DL was 5727 Monte Vista St, Apt. 6 in Hollywood,
CA; Harry entered the "run-down" site, known as SUN RISE
COURT by breaking in; while looking around for clues, he found a
row of prescription pill bottles, plus a folder with four two decades-old
newspaper clippings:
- (1) a 22 year-old LA Times article (dated
Feb. 9, 1975) titled "ACTOR MISSING"
- (2) another similar
clipping a week later headlined: "ACTRESS QUESTIONED IN HUSBAND'S
DISAPPEARANCE"; the articles stated that actor Billy Sullivan
may have been suicidal, although his actress-wife Catherine Hayward
might also have been implicated
- (3) a third article was titled: "ACTOR'S
- (4) the fourth article was the most stunning: "ACTOR
WEDS CO-STAR" - with a picture of Jack Ames marrying the widowed
- disturbing questions were raised by the clippings:
Were Catherine or Jack involved in the murder of her first husband?
Did they have something to hide? Who was guilty, and of what? Who
was manipulating who? Who had originally investigated the case and
what was the resolution?
- Harry responded by lighting the articles on fire to
destroy them, and then flushed the remaining ashes down the toilet; as
he came out of the bathroom, four LAPD police officers accosted him
with their weapons drawn; one of the officers was well-known to Harry
- former colleague and one-time partner and love interest Lt. Verna
Hollander (Stockard Channing) - he mentioned one familiar word between
them: "Catalina"
- as Harry was taken into the Hollywood Police station,
Police Captain Phil Egan (John Spencer) recognized Harry - and recounted
the long-alleged, false rumor that Harry had been shot in the groin
and had lost his manhood while detaining a runaway in Mexico a few years earlier
- during confrontative questioning in the Police Captain's
office, Harry told how he had been called by Lester about taking
his night-shift surveillance job; the Captain regarded it as suspicious
that Harry (with an expired PI license) was found in Lester's ransacked
Hollywood apartment a half-hour after Lester had been murdered at
the Palmetto St. flop-house; Harry was dismissed with no further
questions, and assured by Lt. Hollander: "I'll always be there for you"
- in the Hollywood police station, Harry reacquainted
himself with his old pal - another retired police detective named
Raymond Hope (James Garner), a quasi-mirror image of Harry who also
worked odd-jobs for Jack, and had been alerted to come by and check
on him; they chatted about the old days in Hollywood when Raymond
was a studio security guard (and fixer) keeping tabs on Jack's troublesome
and promiscuous misbehavior: "If there's an actress he missed
boinking, I don't know who she was"; Raymond also recalled the
presumed suicidal drowning of actress Catherine's young first husband
Billy Sullivan who "swam
out to sea and never swam back" (but his body was never recovered);
it was conjectured that he killed himself due to her infidelity and
his own personal gambling debts; they talked about how Jack had lived
a charmed and magical existence earlier, but now had "run
out of luck" with
his recent diagnosis of cancer; Raymond morosely asked about their
own upcoming old-age infirmities: ("Looks
like we all run outta luck in the end. Your prostate started acting
up?...Something to look forward to")
- that evening back in the Ames' home, Harry listened
to Catherine at the piano, softly singing a few lyrics of Ray Noble's
ballad "The Very Thought of You": ("The very thought of you and I
forget to do the little ordinary things that everyone ought to do;
I'm living in a kind of daydream...."); she mentioned that Jack had
become upset over an incident earlier in the day - something that
probably involved Harry ("I had an idea that maybe you might know
what happened")
- during their conversation, Catherine claimed that
she had never heard of the day's murdered victim Lester Ivar, but
Harry didn't believe her: "You're lying. You were at Lester Ivar's
apartment this afternoon" - he knew that she had been there, looking
for something because he had recognized her distinctive Bal a Versailles
fragrance-perfume in the air; he wouldn't be persuaded by her charming
ways to accept her lies
- when she also mentioned how Harry had become too "familiar" with
everything in the house, he felt betrayed and deceived and began
packing one bag in his bedroom above the garage; he told Catherine
that she and Jack were both "over-extended"
and "broke" - and it was time for him to leave; she felt
that she had been vainly trying to stick it out as long as possible
with Jack before he passed away, but had failed: ("That doesn't
seem like it'll happen"), and then wondered: "I don't know
why you've even stuck around for so long anyway"; after a deep
glance at each other, they hugged and kissed, and slept together
- as they chatted after sex in Harry's room, they were
interrupted by the home's intercom with Jack calling out to them
as he suffered a heart attack; Catherine hurriedly grabbed Harry's
pink shirt and raced back to the house, where she found him collapsed
on their bedroom floor; after she attempted CPR and supplied him
with oxygen, he then realized that she was wearing Harry's distinctive
shirt with a polo horse design - and he called her out: "Cath, how
could you? How f--king could you?"; shortly later, Jack was whisked
away to a hospital in an ambulance
- shortly later, Harry answered the Ames' residence
phone and found himself speaking to Gloria Lamar - the person who
was to receive Jack's package; Harry arranged to redeliver the package
in one hour at the Santa Monica Pier (at the water pistol range)
to Gloria herself (self-described as "blonde, big, mucho hair, mucho
tits!"); at the arcade, Harry was redirected to meet Gloria ("Mucho")
under the pier, where he found the sassy blonde bitching about sand
in her shoes; Harry refused to turn over the package until he understood
why he was confronted by a mortally-wounded Lester Ivar in the Palmetto
St. house; when Gloria held a gun on him, Harry disarmed her, but
then was subdued by Mel's ex-boyfriend Jeff pointing a gun at his
head before knocking him unconscious
- Jeff revealed that he had been incarcerated in
Yuma, AZ after Harry had caught him with Mel in Mexico, and
Jack had him arrested and sent to prison for about two years
for "transporting a minor"; Jeff instructed the revived
Harry to tell Jack about the blackmail payment in the package - it
was considered to be only an installment: "This is just a down
payment on what he owes me"

At the Santa Monica Pier, Gloria "Mucho" Lamar
(Margo Martindale) - Later Revealed as Jeff's Parole Officer

Harry Subdued by Jeff - Mel's Ex-Boyfriend, and an
Ex-Con For Running Off With Mel ("Transporting a Minor")
- after witnessing the assault under the pier, limo
driver Reuben (Giancarlo Esposito), one of Harry's ex-partners,
came to Harry's rescue and dragged the disoriented Harry away from
the rising tide; when Harry came to his senses, he denied Reuben's
claim: "We were never partners!" and insisted that Reuben
was only a wanna-be partner or team member
- awaiting him by the Ames' pool as Harry returned
to his above-garage accommodations was his true ex-cop partner Lt.
Verna Hollander, who helped tend to Harry's head-wound that would
require stitches; Harry admitted that he was aging and his 25 years
as a cop and PI were over, and that he had also lived through a failed
marriage and family and became a drunk: "Besides,
I'm getting rusty, I'm a danger to myself"; Verna had followed
up on Lester Ivar's murder case - she stated that Jack and Catherine
Ames had to be questioned; also, she added an important detail about
the past: "Lester Ivar was the investigating officer when Billy
Sullivan disappeared"
- Harry mused (in voice-over):
- "About the only
person I could think of who might be able to help me was Raymond
Hope. Plus he owed me, either that or I owed him, I couldn't figure
out which. Anyway, it was Raymond who pulled me off the bar stool
that I was living on two years ago, and introduced me to the Ameses.
Seen in a certain light, everything that had happened since then
was his fault. Maybe I'd tell him that"
- Harry visited Raymond at his Hollywood Hills home
with a spectacular deck and view of LA, where he luckily avoided
a stream of Raymond's urine coming from the second floor deck; during
their discussion, Raymond stated that he had accepted the LA
Times' account that Catherine's first husband Billy Sullivan
had committed suicide, although investigating officer Lester Ivar
doubted the official account and contested it - but now he was dead: "Billy's
suicide was good luck for Jack and Catherine. Him out of the way,
they can get married. Lester just couldn't believe the way it all
worked out so smooth...Anyway, he's dead now. End of story";
Raymond quickly deduced that both Verna and Harry remained suspicious
about the case; as Harry left, he confirmed for Raymond that the
rumor about his "pecker" being
shot off in Mexico was totally false
- although Jack had been advised after his heart attack
to remain in the hospital for treatment, he insisted on being returned
home to die; in his death bed, he immediately pointedly asked Harry:
"I'm curious, what kind of a man f--ks his dying best friend's
- Harry agreed that he was despicable, but had only spent one night
with her; Harry then asked whether Catherine knew about how Gloria
was blackmailing him, and stated how the extortionist threats from
Gloria (and her ex-con partner Jeff) would undoubtedly continue:
("I kept the money. She's got the restaurant section of the
phone book"); Jack was upset when Harry dug deeper: "What
really happened to Billy Sullivan, Jack?," but then requested
that Harry continue his quest to "find this guy Jeff and deal
with him. You owe me"
- in the kitchen, Harry cornered Mel and asked: "Where's
Jeff?" - but she refused to answer at first, but then confessed
that she had foolishly given the unemployed and broke Jeff the keys to
the Ames' unoccupied ranch house north of the city; he
drove out of town to the ranch and awaited anyone else's arrival
- in a voice-over, Harry described the residence where
blackmailer Jeff was hiding out - with lots of dug-up dirt holes
and shovels surrounding the house:
- "Maybe they hadn't
forgotten or maybe they were trying to forget. Maybe there was
a reason not to sell a $1 million property even when you're hard
up for cash. Somebody else had apparently come to the same conclusion.
Somebody who thought they could dig up the past with a shovel,
without knowing where to dig. Somebody who wouldn't have to break
in because he had a key. Somebody without much interest in housekeeping,
but with a serious appetite for BBQ'd chicken wings. Somebody
not too bright with a lot of time on his hands, and the kind
of patience you learn doing time in places like Yuma, Arizona"
- after waiting awhile in the shadows, Harry saw a car
drive up and he watched as a darkly-silhouetted Catherine ran into
the distance, and appeared to kneel on the ground at a gravesite
- back in Hollywood, Harry phoned his cowardly, wanna-be
PI sidekick Reuben to provide back-up for him in 15 minutes time
at Garvey's (Jeff's favorite BBQ checken restaurant-bar) in Hollywood;
inside Garvey's, Harry confronted Jeff eating greasy chicken wings
and fries, handed over an envelope with the money, and then pushed
Jeff's face into his plate and put him into a strangle-hold;
Jeff was forced to take Harry to Gloria's (Mucho's) nearby apartment,
where Jeff blurted out that Gloria was to blame for the blackmail
scheme: "Ask her whose idea it was to track down Ivar and look
up somethin' on the Ames guy?"; then Gloria reluctantly admitted
that she was Jeff's parole officer
- the pieces of the puzzle regarding Lester Ivar's death
came into focus when Gloria described their involvement - she and
Jeff had located Ivar, and after plying him with Wild Turkey, they
grilled him about the Sullivan case; they found out that he believed
that Sullivan was buried on the ranch house property: "Said
he'd have solved it 20 years ago if they'd given him a court order
and a bulldozer. The way he figured it, the body had to be buried
out at that ranch that Ames owns, the one that nobody
goes near anymore"; Jeff added: "That's when I got the
idea to call Mel - to let me stay at the ranch so I could look for
the body";
Gloria continued: "I tried to explain that we didn't really
need to find Billy Sullivan's corpse, we just had to convince Ames
we knew where it was buried" - hence their blackmail scheme
for $10,000 dollars; Harry insisted that the blackmailers
leave LA (with the $10K in the package) and end their extortionist
- as Jeff opened the apartment door, an unseen gunman
point-blank shot Jeff dead and peppered the room with bullets - also
lethally-wounding Gloria in the abdomen; as she died, she told Harry:
"I never learn. All my life, I pick the losers. I know better,
too"; Harry phoned Jack, expecting to be arrested soon at the
crime scene and needing bail, and told him with disgust: "I
am f--king fed up working for you"; he no longer felt indebted
to his famous friend Jack to bury his secrets; then
he phoned Verna for support and to tell her about two more deaths: "I
got a real mess"
The Deaths of Jeff and Gloria in Her
Apartment - Shot by Unseen Gunman at Door
- as Gloria's apartment was swarming with cops, Harry
confided in Verna: "Did it ever strike you this is a
lousy way to make a living? You start out thinking you're gonna
win a few, but mostly it's, it's just like tonight.
Watching people run out of the little bit of luck that they got left.
You think you're gonna beat the odds, but you don't, and not very
often"; at first, Verna refused Harry's request to be let go
for 24 hours to find the killer: ("I screwed up right from the
very beginning, and two people are dead because of it and you gotta
give me some time, so I can find out whoever did it, and, I dunno,
square things up at least a little bit"), but then Verna risked
her career and overruled the Captain, and she released Harry
- Harry called Reuben to meet him at 36001 Mulholland
Hgwy, and bring his gun; in the next scene, Reuben was digging in
a large hole near the ranch-house property, and uncovered a skull
with a bullet hole - confirming Lester's long-held suspicions; Harry
ordered: "Cover it up. I know who it is"; he returned to
the Ames' home and found Catherine sleeping and in the arms of her
ailing husband; the next day, Jack announced to Harry that he would
be attempting chemotherapy to save his life
- Jack was unemotional when Harry told him about finding
Billy Sullivan's remains: "I guess I've been expecting that
for 20 years. Look, you can think what you like. It wasn't murder...";
years earlier, according to Jack's account, the drunken Billy threatened
and confronted him at the ranch after finding out that Catherine
was cheating on him; Billy was accidentally pushed
into an empty swimming pool where he struck his head; Harry didn't
believe Jack: "I would have believed you - except that I saw
the corpse...He had a bullet hole in the back of his head";
Harry surmised that Jack had assumed that Billy was dead, but hadn't
verified it; Jack claimed that he had called his co-conspirator-fixer
Raymond, to have him take care of the mess, although there was a
complication -- Raymond lived one-hour away at the time; Harry assumed
that he might have called Catherine to help him eliminate Billy and
then dispose of the body
- at twilight, now wearing a dark, blood-red shirt,
Harry told Catherine: "I'm tired of people getting killed, I'm
tired of being lied to"; it appeared to him that Catherine was
manipulating both Jack and himself for her own purposes ("Enough
to kill for") - she had possibly put the bullet hole in Billy's
head, and had lethally-wounded Lester Ivar as well
Harry Preaching to the Privileged Catherine
About Her Life
- Harry asked more questions of her - and she denied
any involvement in Billy's, Lester's, and Jeff's deaths; he then
preached to her about her carefree and privileged life: "I believe
that you're smart. And you're beautiful and rich. Life has worked
out for you in ways that it doesn't for most people.
I think people like you get used to having it work out for you and
after a while, you begin to think that you're entitled to all
the things that you've got"; she retorted: "You think people
like me care so much about things that we would kill for them?
Is that what you think? That I just care about things, Harry?" -
and to prove her attestations, she smashed some of her belongings
- later in the evening, over drinks at Raymond's place,
Harry was straightforward in his accusations about Raymond's loyal
involvement in Jack's past affairs: "You did a lot more than
clean up Jack's mess, didn't you?"; Raymond was forced to regretfully
admit he had ended Billy's life: "Billy Sullivan was gonna wind
up in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. I ended his misery.
I did him a favor"; he was also paid off handsomely (with his
house) for doing Jack's and Catherine's bidding, to keep them out
of jail; and then Raymond questioned Harry: "Don't you ever
get tired of the beautiful people? Doesn't it ever bother you that
the Jacks and the Catherines of this world can do as they please,
'cause it's always guys like you and me who clean up after them?";
Raymond admitted he was a fixer for both of them: "That's what
I do. I clean up messes and I get paid for it. You imagine you're
different, Harry, but you're the same as me. You think it was Catherine
who seduced you. It was both of them, Harry. It was the whole package.
I know. I was the same way. Let's face it, there's them and there's
- Harry intimated that he would leave and call Lt. Verna
Hollander to charge Raymond with the murder of Billy Sullivan 20
years earlier, but would give him time to leave town; as Harry slowly
walked away, Raymond grabbed his gun and fired at Harry - seen in
a mirror reflection, who shot back and killed Raymond
Deadly Shoot-Out Between Raymond and Harry
- back at the Ames' house while Jack played another
losing game of gin rummy with him, Harry reported that he had
shot Jack's co-conspirator Raymond Hope dead - after he had admitted
to mercy-killing Billy Sullivan; Harry concluded that he must definitely
move on; he helped Jack by switching on the VCR player so that Jack
could watch one of his youthful roles from an earlier film, Downhill
Racer (1969)
- -- the film returned to the conclusion of Harry's
interrogation scene in October of 1997, seen much earlier in the film --
- Harry returned to the Ames' house to summarize to
Catherine how his life was in shambles due to alcoholism after his
daughter died and after his marriage had broken
up; he also suspected that Catherine was behind Raymond's orders
to eliminate Jeff and Gloria, but she denied the accusation: "I
never asked him to kill anybody"; he asked if she had any qualms
or moral guilt, after getting away with murder: "Tell me, does
it bother you that all those people would have been alive if it weren't
for you?"; she
wouldn't answer directly, but asked: "Still love me?"
- in the concluding wrap-up sequence after the interrogation,
Harry and the much-younger Lt. Verna made plans to go away together,
to rekindle their past love relationship with a "return engagement,"
possibly in Catalina; she answered him by inappropriately reaching
into his pocket to check to feel if he had his 'family jewels'; he
joked: "I never knew you cared"

Aging Private Detective Harry Ross (Paul Newman) in Mexican Resort

Harry Stalking Jeff Willis (Liev Schreiber) and Mel Ames (Reese Witherspoon)
Who Were Ordering Drinks

Runaway Mel and Jeff in Their Resort's Hotel Room

Wayward 17 Year Old Mel to Harry: "Let me guess. My parents sent

Harry Hit By a Ricocheted Bullet from His Own Gun Fired by Mel

Harry's Taped Interview in LA Two Years Later Before A Major Flashback

Opening Title Credits - Poolside at the Ames' Mansion
in Hollywood, CA

Harry With Catherine Ames (Susan Sarandon) - Mel's Mother

Cancer-Stricken Jack Ames
(Gene Hackman) - Catherine's Husband

In the Kitchen, Mel to Harry: "You're just the hired help"

Incriminating Evidence at Lester Ivar's Residence in the Sun Rise Court
in Hollywood - Four Newspaper Clippings From 22 Years Earlier

Harry Burning the Incriminating Past Evidence

Harry's Former Colleague Lt. Verna Hollander (Stockard Channing)

LA Police Captain Phil Egan (John Spencer)

Harry's Old Pal - Retired Police Detective and Ex-Studio Security Chief
Raymond Hope (James Garner) - Who Also Worked For Jack Ames

Harry Sitting with Catherine at the Piano

The Hidden Sexual Affair and Romance Between Harry and Sexually-Liberated

Catherine Rightfully Accused by Husband Jack of Having Sex with Harry

Cowardly Wanna-Be Partner and Limo Driver Reuben (Giancarlo Esposito)

With the Dying Jack, Harry Discussed Gloria's Continuing
Blackmailing Scheme

Mel Told Harry About Jeff's Whereabouts at The Ames' Ranch House

Harry Watched as Catherine Kneeled on the Ground Outside the Ranch

Harry Putting Jeff Into a Strangehold in Garvey's Restaurant-Bar
(in Hollywood)

Blackmailer Gloria's Revelations that She Was Jeff's Parole Officer,
and that PI Lester Believed Billy Sullivan Was Buried at the Ames'
Harry Digging Up Billy Sullivan's Skull (With a Bullet Hole)
at the Ames' Ranch-House

Raymond Admitting to Harry That He Was Jack's and Catherine's 'Fixer'

Harry Walking Away - Knowing He Would be Fired at by Raymond

Catherine - Ending Up Getting Away With Conspiratorial Murder
- Without Any Moral Qualms

Lt. Verna Hollander Checking To See If Harry Had His 'Family Jewels'