Reservoir Dogs (1992)
In emerging maverick writer/director Quentin Tarantino's
cult film, the self-promoting videostore
clerk in his debut-scripted and directed film demonstrated his
exciting, self-taught, original filmmaking genius (with generous
helpings of violence, sex, and profanity (almost 300 instances of
the F-word)); the
male-oriented, testosterone-fueled tale told about a group of cigarette-smoking,
shades-wearing, low-life, color-coded or named Los Angeles criminals. Even
Tarantino himself played one of the six main characters.
It told about a crime-gone-wrong, a botched jewelry
store heist of Karina's Wholesale Diamonds; the
concept was borrowed from The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974))
about a jewelry heist that also went awry. The
dark, noirish cult hit had witty dialogue and pop-cultural references, and broke many of the
rules of conventional crime films. The non-linear crime was documented
by jumping between both pre-heist and post-heist scenarios, but avoided
the actual robbery itself. It contained numerous
jump-cuts, elliptical story-telling, and flashbacks, and was set
almost entirely in an abandoned coffin warehouse after the failed robbery.

Mr. Brown (Quentin Tarantino)

Mr. White (Harvey Keitel)

Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen)

Mr. Blue (Eddie Bunker)

Mr. Orange (Tim Roth)

Mr. Pink (Steve Buscemi)
- in the pre-credits opening breakfast table scene
(an ensemble grouping), eight various criminal characters - mostly
Mr. Brown (director Tarantino) - conversed about the meaning of
Madonna's popular "Like a Virgin" song - "Let me
tell you what Like a Virgin's about. It's all about a girl
who digs a guy with a big dick. The entire song, it's a metaphor
for big dicks...Like a Virgin's not about some sensitive
girl who meets a nice fella. That's what True Blue's about.
Now, granted, no argument about that...Let me tell you what Like
a Virgin's about. It's all about this cooze who's a regular
f--k machine. I'm talkin' morning, day, night, afternoon . . .
dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick... Then one
day, she meets this John Holmes motherf--ker, and it's like, whoa
baby. I mean, this cat is like Charles Bronson in The Great
Escape. He's digging tunnels. She's getting this serious dick
action and she's feelin' something she ain't felt since forever
. . . Pain. Pain... It hurts. It hurts her. It shouldn't hurt her.
You know, her pussy should be Bubble Yum by now, but when this
cat f--ks her, it hurts. It hurts just like it did the first time.
You see, the pain is reminding a f--k machine what it was once
like to be a virgin. Hence...Like a Virgin."
- at the end of the meal when everone was contributing
to the bill, a reluctant Mr. Pink (Steve Buscemi) complained about
the waitress service, and argued that he didn't believe in the practice
of tipping: "Uh uh, I don't tip...No, I don't believe in it...Don't give me
that, if she don't make enough money, she can quit....I don't tip because
society says I have to. All right, I mean I'll tip if somebody really
deserves a tip, if they really put forth the effort, I'll give them
something extra, but I mean this tipping automatically, uh, it's for
the birds..."
- during the opening titles credits, the jewel
robbery gang (composed of eight total strangers) walked in slow-motion
toward the camera (as they were identified) to the tune of "Little
Green Bag"
- after the failed heist, Mr. White (Harvey Kietel)
- with Mr. Orange (Tim Roth) bleeding profusely from a stomach wound
- met up with Mr. Pink in a warehouse rendezvous point; while discussing
the heist, Mr. Pink strongly suspected that they had been set up: "Where
did all those cops come from, huh?" (and that one of the criminals
was a rat - in other words, a cop) - he recalled his escape - "I
shot my way out. Everybody started shootin', so I blasted my way
out of there" - the sequence was replayed with Pink frantically
running down the street while pursued by three cops; he returned
gunfire while he attempted to carjack a vehicle; he admitted that
he didn't kill any 'real people': "I tagged a couple of cops";
White informed him that Brown was dead, and they talked about how
'psychopathic' Blonde had panicked and gone crazy and murdered several
innocent civilians during the heist ("What you don't do is start
shootin' up the place and start killin' people"); and it appeared
that Blue and Blonde were missing (they were
either arrested or dead); Pink admitted that he had stashed the diamonds
nearby ("I got the diamonds...I stashed 'em")
- further tension developed between Pink and White
at the meeting point, when they were worried about the identity of
a "rat" in their midst; they both drew guns deadlocked
on each other: (Pink: "You wanna f--k with me? I'll show you
who you're f--kin' with!" White: "You wanna shoot me, you
little piece of s--t? Go ahead, take a shot!" Pink: "F--k
you, White! I didn't create this situation, I'm dealin' with it!
You're actin' like a first-year f--kin' thief! I'm actin' like a
professional! If they get him, they could get you. They get you,
they get closer to me and that can't happen! You're lookin' at me
like it's my fault? I didn't tell him my name! I didn't tell him
where I was from! S--t! Fifteen minutes ago you almost told me your
name! You're gonna get stuck in a situation you created! So if you
wanna throw bad looks around, throw 'em at a mirror!")
- the sequence of White and Pink's altercation was interrupted
by the sudden and unexpected appearance of suspicious, psychotic
gang member Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen) at the hideout, who spoke
out: "You kids shouldn't play so rough, somebody's gonna start
cryin'"; during the heist, the "trigger-happy" Blonde
had murdered several civilians; Pink wondered who was left of the
original gang: "Did you see what happened to Blue? Do you know
what happened - to you and Blue? That's all we were wonderin' about.
Come on. Look, Brown is dead. Orange got it in the belly"; in
agreement with Pink, White hypothesized to Blonde: "We think
we got a rat in the house"; Blonde proudly showed off a kidnapped
policeman in the trunk of his car - taken as hostage
Mr. Blonde's Torture of a Cop Hostage
- the violent and menacing torture scene following the
robbery when Mr. Blonde was left alone to take charge of the cop-hostage
and Mr. Orange; to find out who was the 'rat' responsible for the
set-up, Blonde excised the ear of his cop-hostage Marvin Nash (Kirk
Baltz) (accompanied by the Stealer's Wheel song recording of Stuck
in the Middle With You) and then threatened to set his gasoline-doused
victim on fire
Mr. Orange's Killing of Mr. Blonde
- suddenly, Mr. Orange, who was painfully bleeding
to death from a bullet in the stomach and witnessing the torture
from nearby, sat up and opened fire and killed Mr. Blonde - saving
Marvin's life before he would have been incinerated
- then, Mr. Orange
delivered a remarkable confession to Marvin: "Listen to me, Marvin. I'm a-- Listen to me, Marvin
Nash. I'm a cop"; Marvin admitted that he already knew: "Yeah,
I know...Yeah, your name's Freddy somethin'"; and according
to Marvin, the cops were waiting a block away until Joe Cabot showed
up ("They're not to make a move 'til Joe Cabot shows up")
- Mr. Orange pre-heist recited his pre-heist
commode story (originally delivered to Joe Cabot when he was hired
for the heist) when he encountered four LA County Sheriffs and a
barking German shepherd in a restroom: "Panic hits me
like a bucket of water. Bam! Right in the face. I'm standing there
drenched in panic, and all these Sheriffs are lookin' at me and they
know, man. They can smell it, sure as that f--kin' dog can....";
one of the Sheriffs was relating a story of a suspect reaching for
the glove box while being warned not to - but he was only going for
his vehicle registration: ("Stupid f--kin' citizen doesn't know
how close he came to gettin' blown away. That close, man")
- in the last de-briefing scene (in an abandoned L.A. warehouse) before the
failed jewelry heist, elderly LA gangster Joe Cabot (Lawrence Tierney),
who was orchestrating the heist, wanted the group of crooks to never
talk about personal information or past activities; to replace their "Christian
names," he handed out anonymous pseudonyms or aliases composed of color-codes
(Mr. Brown, Mr. White, Mr. Blonde, Mr. Blue, Mr. Orange and Mr. Pink)
to the six robbery gang members; "Mr. Pink" immediately raised
an objection and complained about his faggot-sounding name:
"Why am I Mr. Pink?...Why can't we pick our own colors?";
Joe explained: "No way. No way. Tried it once. It doesn't work. You get four
guys all fightin' over who gets to be Mr. Black. They don't know each
other, so nobody wants to back down"; when Mr. Pink suggested
trading names with Mr. White, Joe overruled him: "Nobody's tradin'
with anybody. This ain't a goddamn f--kin' city council meeting, you
know" - and then gave him an ultimatum: "There's two ways
you can go on this job -- my way or the highway"
- in
the next scene, another pre-heist sequence, Mr. White and Mr. Orange
sat in a car and discussed the two-minute grab of diamonds; Mr. Orange
explained that while Mr. Brown was waiting outside in a car, Mr. Blue
and Mr. Blonde handled the customers and employees while Mr. White
and Mr. Pink demanded diamonds from the manager in the back-room; White
explained how he would deal with a recalcitrant manager: "If you wanna know somethin' he won't
tell ya, cut off one of his fingers. The little one. Then tell him
his thumb's next. After that, he'll tell you if he wears ladies underwear";
after his grisly strategy, White added:
"I'm hungry. Let's go get a taco"
- the post-heist escape continued to go horribly wrong when driver Brown
was driving away from the scene with White and Orange; Brown died of
his head wound; Mr. White unleashed a barrage of gunfire on a cop car
and killed two officers; and Mr. Orange was shot in the gut by an armed
female driver during an attempted car-jacking; Orange shot back and
killed her but was seriously wounded; as he was driven back to the
rendezvous point, Orange couldn't believe his bad-luck: "I can't
believe she killed me. Who'd have f--king thought that?"
The Disastrous Post-Heist Escape Sequence

Driver Mr. Brown Blinded by Blood and Dying

White's Barrage of Gunfire at a Police Car

Mr. Orange Retaliated After Being Shot in the
Stomach by Armed Woman

Mr. Orange: "I can't believe she killed me"
- after returning to the hideout site with Mr. White
and Mr. Pink, Cabot's "Nice Guy" son Eddie Cabot (Chris Penn) (with
a bright tracksuit jacket) listened as Mr. Orange confessed to
White about Blonde's torture of cop Marvin: ("Blonde went
crazy. He slashed the cop's face, cut off his ear and was gonna
burn him alive....Eddie, he was pulling a burn, man. He was gonna
kill the cop and me. When you guys walked in, he was gonna kill
you and run with the diamonds");
Orange's implication (affirmed by Mr. White) was that Blonde was
the under-cover rat; Eddie non-chalantly put a few bullets into
Marvin's body, and then he repeated Mr. Orange's claim: "You're
saying that Mr. Blonde was gonna kill you and then when we got
back, he was gonna kill us, take the satchel of diamonds and scram" -
Eddie assertively denied that Orange would ever have betrayed his
father on the job
- shortly later, Eddie's father Joe Cabot arrived and
confronted Mr. White over the loyalty of Mr. Orange; after Joe accused
Orange of being a cop "That lump of s--t's
workin' with the LAPD") Mr. White tried
to defend Orange to Joe: ("Joe, trust me on this. You've made
a mistake"), but Joe was adamant ("The cocksucker tipped off the cops and
got Mr. Brown and Mr. Blue killed...Dead as Dillinger"); the
scene evolved into a violent Mexican Standoff as all three (Joe,
White, and Eddie) drew their guns and Eddie shouted out:
"You stop pointin' that f--kin’ gun at my Dad!";
all three seemed to fire at one time - although White actually
got off two shots and both Cabots were killed, but White was also injured
- in the film's violent conclusion -- the uninjured
Mr. Pink fled with the stashed diamonds; as Mr. White cradled Mr.
Orange in his arms, he heard Orange's simple confession that he indeed
was a cop: ("I'm a cop...I'm so sorry"); as the police
stormed the warehouse after arresting Mr. Pink outdoors (he was faintly
heard surrendering off-screen), Mr. White was ordered to put his
gun down: ("Freeze!...Drop the gun, man!...We're gonna blow
you away!") but disobeyed and possibly shot Mr. Orange in the head (off-screen)
- and then collapsed during more gunfire
Mr. Brown's "Like a Virgin" Discussion
Mr. Pink's Views On Tipping
Famous Slo-Mo Walk of Criminals During Opening Titles

Post-Heist: Bloodied Mr. Orange and Mr. White Return to Hideout
Mr. White and Mr. Pink Argue About the Failed Heist and
the Presence of a "Rat"
Mr. Pink's Post-Heist Flight Returning Gunfire
Pink and White: Guns Drawn and Deadlocked at Each
The Arrival of Suspicious Psychopath Mr. Blonde
Meanwhile, Mr. Orange Was Painfully Bleeding to
(Undercover Cop) Mr. Orange's Commode Story
The Pre-Heist Assignment of Color Coded Names by
Elderly Gangster Joe Cabot (Lawrence Tierney) Who Was Orchestrating
the Heist
Pre-Heist Planning by White and Orange

Nice Guy Eddie's Point-Blank Execution of Cop Marvin

Eddie's Disbelief of Mr. Orange's Version
The Concluding Confrontation: (l to r): Eddie, Joe, Mr.
White, and Mr. Orange (dying on floor)
Joe's Accusation That The Dying Mr. Orange Was an
LAPD Officer
Guns Drawn: Mexican Stand-Off

Mr. White With His Gun Pointed at Mr. Orange's Head,
as Cops Stormed Building