The Professionals (1966)
In writer/director Richard Brooks' big-budget, ensemble
western adventure set in 1916 in the early 20th century (an Old West
version of The Dirty Dozen (1967) and
the precursor to The Wild Bunch (1969))
- it was one of the most exciting action-adventure westerns of all time:
- the opening credits introduced the four main
characters, comprising a mercenary team in the final years of the Mexican
- Henry "Rico" Fardan (Lee Marvin) -
the team leader, a munitions and tactical expert, a former US officer
- Hans Ehrengard (Robert Ryan) - a horse wrangler/specialist
- Jacob "Jake" Sharp (Woody Strode)
- an Apache scout/tracker, a bow/arrow expert, and a crack
- Bill Dolworth (Burt Lancaster) - an explosives/dynamiter

Henry "Rico" Fardan (Lee Marvin)

Hans Ehrengard (Robert Ryan)

"Jake" Sharp (Woody Strode)

Bill Dolworth (Burt Lancaster)
- a nine-day "mission of mercy" was described
by Texas railroad tycoon/millionaire Joe W. Grant (Ralph Bellamy)
in his private railway car: the specialists (or professionals)
would be hired to rescue "in one bold swift stroke" Grant's
'kidnapped'(?) wife Maria (Claudia Cardinale) from Mexican revolutionaries
led by the guerrilla leader and bandito Captain Jesus Raza (Jack
Palance), one of Villa's officers; Raza's "fortress"
was 100 miles inside a Mexican desert known as the Painted Mountains;
a reward was offered: $10,000 for each man ($1,000 was paid upfront)
- both Fardan and Dulworth had served as American
mercenaries with Pancho Villa during the early days of the Revolution,
and highly respected Raza as a fighter, although they were also
willing to be paid to kill him
- the group initially encountered
ten of Raza's 'banditos' in a narrow canyon that concluded with
a deadly shoot-out and the killing of the entire group; soon after
Hans suffered heat stroke; as part of their strategy, Dolworth
scouted ahead (leaving distinctive cross markings to either indicate
'all clear' or 'danger') - and he found himself surrounded by three
more 'banditos' and robbed; he was found strung upside-down when
his companions came to his rescue and killed the three gang members
- Dolworth suggested that he plant dynamite along
their potential future escape route - especially in the narrow
pass where they found themselves, to block one of Raza's short-cuts
and also their exit behind them if needed; as the group relaxed
around their temporary camp, they wished
for a rest, a shave and a bath - and Dolworth added: "Might
as well throw in a woman. Any size, any age, any color. Any woman"
- Dolworth also offered a notable
explanation to "Jake" and
Ehrengard about his life's work: "I
was born with a powerful passion to create. I can't write, I can't
paint, can't make up a song..." (Ehrengard: "So you explode
things") "Well, that's how the world was born. Biggest
damn explosion you ever saw"; Ehrengard questioned him: "Dynamite
in the hands of a fool means death," but Dolworth explained
his strategy using the explosive:
"In this case it could mean life. Ours. If we're lucky enough
to get back to this rat-trap, it might be touch-and-go. Now all you
gotta do is light this fuse. You got 10 seconds to run like hell. And
then dynamite, not faith, will move that mountain into this pass. Peace,
- as they moved on in an exciting sequence,
they watched as Raza attacked and took over a government supply train
with federal troops, and then brutally (on his own) executed all
of the soldiers on-board who were lined up - it was a mass execution; "Rico" was
particularly upset by the brutal spectacle; Dolworth explained Rico's
bitterness due to previous atrocities committed against Raza: "Men
on that train are Colorados. Expert marksmen. Also expert at torture.
Couple o' years ago, they burned and looted a town of three thousand
people. When they finished, forty were left. Fardan's wife was one
o' the lucky forty. 'Why're you a revolutionary?' they asked her.
'To rid the world of scum like you,' she said. They stripped her
naked, ran her through the cactus 'til her flesh was - the other
thirty-nine rebels watched her die, and - did nothing. Just watched";
Ehrengard asked: "What were Americans doing in a Mexican revolution,
Raza Leading an Attack on a Government Supply
- Dolworth continued their
conversation by momentarily questioning the merits of fighting
their old revolutionary comrades for money after serving with them
earlier and pursuing greater ideals, and the hazy boundary-line
between heroes and villains: "Maybe
there's only one revolution, since the beginning. The good guys against
the bad guys. The question is: Who are the good guys?"
- the 'professionals' scouted Raza's "hacienda" and hideout-camp,
including Dolworth's comment when he spotted topless Raza bandita
Chiquita (Marie Gomez) washing herself: "That is a soldier.
Lieutenant Si Si Chiquita. Now, there's a woman worth a ransom. She
never says no" - he had obviously had a relationship with her
in the past while serving under Pancho Villa
- at night, Fardan infiltrated into Raza's camp to
rescue her, but was astonished to find her stripped down and about
to make love to Raza - it was the film's surprise plot-twist character
reversal; Fardan decided to suspend their mission and told Dolworth,
who reacted: "Amigo, We've been had! Let's get the hell outta here!" - but it was already too late
and they proceeded with their plan
- their exciting, carefully-executed
pre-dawn attack strategy to rescue or "kidnap" Maria (nicknamed "Little
Red Riding Hood") was explained by "Rico": ("We've gotta
make him think we're the Mexican army...a whole battalion...We can't
fight our way in. Diversion is our only chance"), including:
(1) dynamiting a water tower, (2) shooting arrows with grenades
attached, (3) stealthily taking out a machine-gun sentry, and (4)
creating a diversion to distract everyone
- during their escape, Maria was helping to treat wounded Hans when Dolworth
looked down her cleavage; she asked about it, and he told her: "Just
wondering what makes you worth a hundred thousand dollars";
she told him to "Go to hell" and
he quipped: "Yes ma'am. I'm on my way"
- Rico was disgusted by the whole set-up - nobody was who they claimed to
be: "From the loyal Ortega to the devoted
goat-keeper, to the faithful wife at the mercy of a brutal kidnapper.
That's one hell of a rigged parlay";
- as they took refused in some canyonlands, Maria
emphatically told Rico that she was not kidnapped by Raza, and
explained her history with Raza: "Raza and I grew up together.
I am born there....We are lovers long before Mr. Joe Grant buys
the place. When my father lies dying, he says: 'Mr. Joe Grant wants
you for his wife. You will become Dona Grant, a fine lady. That
is my wish.' Here, a wish is a command. But I'm very young and
very foolish. I tell Mr. Joe Grant I cannot marry to him. I love
another man. Very romantic, no?"
- the next day, Maria made an attempt to escape on
horseback, but Dolworth exploded dynamite that he had already planted
in a narrow pass (to impede Raza's pursuit after the group) and also prevented Maria
from getting away
- Maria made tempting offers to
Dolworth in exchange for her freedom - she first offered money: "Would
you let me go?" and then she offered herself as she opened her top and bared her breasts
to him: "You want me? My price is high. Freedom," and Dolworth answered: "I
might say yes now and later, no"; after they kissed, she treacherously
reached for his gun, but he had already unholstered it and held it
against her chest
Maria's Offer to Dolworth In Exchange For Her Freedom
"You want me? My price is high. Freedom"
- the next day, Dolworth extolled Maria to Rico: "That's
a lot of woman there. Beautiful. Classy. And guts. Hard enough
to kill you, and soft enough to change you"; Rico responded
that Dolworth's only interests in life were females, money and
booze: "So what else is on your mind besides hundred-proof women, 'n' ninety-proof whiskey, 'n'
fourteen-carat gold?" Dolworth was pleased with Rico's observation: "Amigo,
you just wrote my epitaph!"
- Dolworth volunteered to stay behind and hold off the
relentless pursuit of Raza and his men, to allow the others to make
it to the border; he was able to kill all of Raza's men and wound Raza in the leg
- during a lull in the fighting, Raza spoke about
the Revolucion: (Raza: "You want perfection or nothing.
You're too romantic, compadre. La Revolucion is like a great love
affair. In the beginning, she is a goddess. A holy cause. But every
love affair has a terrible enemy: time. We see her as she is. La
Revolucion is not a goddess but a whore. She was never pure, never
saintly, never perfect. And we run away, find another lover, another
cause. Quick, sordid affairs. Lust, but no love. Passion, but no
compassion. Without love, without a cause, we are nothing!
We stay because we believe. We leave because we are disillusioned.
We come back because we are lost. We die because we are committed")
- Dolworth personally encountered Raza's bandita accomplice
Chiquita who chatted about her love life; after Dolworth gunned
her down and as she was dying, he greeted her: "Hello, baby";
she replied, "Long time since I hear 'baby'"; he raised
her into his arms as she asked: "Hey, you ever find that damn
gold mine, eh?" but then pointed her concealed gun at his neck
and squeezed the trigger, but it clicked blank; she noted: "I
am not lucky today" to which he replied: "But you're beautiful";
she reminisced about him being her past lover: "Querido,
baby. We had some fine times together"; he answered: "Terrific";
she requested a kiss ("Give us a kiss"), and he obliged,
and then she expired in his arms
- by the film's conclusion back at the US border, the
professionals had completed their job of rescuing the kidnapped wife
Maria from Raza's bandit camp, and Dolworth had also captured the
wounded bandit leader; and then, the major twist was fully revealed
- Maria actually loved the Mexican outlaw and was his willing mistress;
Grant had "bought" Maria for an arranged marriage, but she had willingly escaped and returned
to be with Raza in Mexico; Grant was the real 'kidnapper' - not Raza;
when Maria was reunited with Raza, she hugged him and tended to his

Rescued "Kidnapped" Maria Hugging Wounded
Jesus Raza

Dolworth (to Rico): "Turn her loose?"

Maria Tending to Wounded Raza
- after his encounter with Raza and Maria, Dolworth
confessed to Rico: "I found out what makes a woman worth $100,000," but
agreed she shouldn't be turned loose: "Turn her loose? After
all we've been through together? After all the blood it's cost.
Hell, no! You made a contract to kidnap a wife for Mr. J.W. Grant.
Now, let's collect that ransom"
- when they brought Maria to Grant to get paid for their
services just across the US border, Grant didn't want the "professionals" to
notice his interactions with 'Mrs. Grant' - and he stated: "I
hereby declare our contract satisfactorily concluded"
and wanted them to hurry off to town for a bath; and then when they
watched as Grant ordered Raza killed, the professionals wouldn't allow
it, led by Dolworth who shot the gun from his hand: "You haven't
earned the right to kill him"
- it was obvious that Maria didn't want to be with Grant,
and threatened: "I will run away again"; when Grant insisted: "You're
my wife, you belong to me," she asserted that she belonged with
Raza! ("I belong here...with him"); Grant abused Maria,
grabbed her and slapped her across the face - he demanded that she
return home with him
- the professionals decided to abandon their "bad
deal" mission as Rico explained to their employer: "Gentlemen,
you heard our employer. The lady's going home. (to Maria) You don't
think that J.W. Grant was stupid enough to pay that ransom, do ya?...(to
Grant) There was no kidnapping! Right, Mr. Grant? Is that right,
Mr. Grant?" Grant disagreed: "That is none of your business";
Rico told the real kidnapper, Grant, that his wife would go home
with Raza: "Wrong, Mr. Grant. We made a contract to save a lady
from a nasty old kidnapper - who turns out to be you"; they
allowed Maria to ride off with the wounded Raza (in the back of a
buckboard wagon), to return to Mexico

Rico Assisting Maria to Return Home with Raza

Dolworth: "We both made a bad deal, Mr. Grant.
You lose a wife and we lose $10,000 dollars apiece."

Grant (To Rico): "You bastard!" Rico: "Yes,
Sir. In my case an accident of birth. But you, Sir, you're a
self-made man."
- in the film's curtain closing, Dolworth summarized: "We
both made a bad deal, Mr. Grant. You lose a wife and we lose $10,000
dollars apiece." Grant (To Rico): "You bastard!"
Rico (with a witty reply): "Yes, Sir. In my case an accident
of birth. But you, Sir, you're a self-made man."
J.W. Grant (Ralph Bellamy)
Alleged "Kidnapper" Capt. Jesus Raza (Jack Palance)
(an airbrushed and altered historical photo)

Initial Shoot-out with Banditos in a Canyon

Dolworth Strung Upside Down by Other Banditos Before His Rescue
Dolworth Planting Dynamite Along Escape Route
Dolworth's Explanation of His Life's Work

The Group Watching the Approach of a Gov't Supply Train
Dolworth: "Who are the good guys?"
Scouting Raza's 'Hacienda' Hideout
Dolworth's Spotting of Chiquita - A Past Love
Fardan Observing Raza Making Love to Maria! - A Complete Shock
Dolworth Reacted: "Amigo, we've been had!"
'Kidnapping' Maria
Maria - Successfully Captured - And Used As a Bargaining
Chip to Escape
Dolworth Looking at Maria's Cleavage
Dolworth Holding Off Raza's Gang
Wounded Raza with Chiquita
Raza's Revolucion Speech to Dolworth
Chiquita's Kiss with Dolworth Before Dying