Phantasm (1979)
Director Don Coscarelli's imaginative, low-budget independent
horror-sci-fi film was a sleeper film and soon became a major science-fantasy
and horror cult hit. This original film was followed by many inferior
sequels, Phantasm II (1988), Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead (1994),
Phantasm IV: OblIVion (1998) and Phantasm: Ravager (2016). Some
of its elements were similar to Invaders
From Mars (1953). Its tagline was:
"If This One Doesn't Scare You, You're Already
Another of the film's taglines humorously referred
to the frequent, deadly flying silver spheres or balls: "If
you're looking for horror that's got balls...IT'S FOUND YOU." Literally,
PHANTASM can be defined as: "The delusion of a disordered mind" -
or a spirit or ghost. In fact, the entire film was mostly composed
of random, waking and dreaming nightmare encounters with the iconic
and malevolent figure of a Tall Man that were suspect and possibly
unreal. The scarily-suggestive horror film - with a coming-of-age
plot - was about the typical, fearful and disturbed reactions to
abandonment, death (symbolized by the main 'adult' character, the
Tall Man), and intense loss.
- in the opening prologue - a shocking murder scene,
teenaged Tommy (Bill Cone) was making out with a blonde date - the
attractive and sexy Lady in Lavender (Kathy Lester), with heavy purple
eye shadow. They were lying on the ground and having sex outdoors
at the Morningside Mortuary and cemetery. As he sighed, "That
was great, baby," Tommy was stabbed to death in the chest with
a long knife by his sex partner - her murderous face melded into
the Tall Man's (Angus Scrimm) leering grin at the moment of death.
However, the murder was ruled as a suicide.
The Opening Sex-Murder Scene of Tommy, Committed
By the Lady in Lavender (The Tall Man in Disguise) in a Local
- in a small California town in the year 1978, Tommy's
death resulted in the break-up of a trio of males who were close
friends, including:
- Jody Pearson (Bill Thornbury), 24 years-old, an
on-the-road traveling musician
- Mike Pearson (Michael Baldwin), Jody's 13 year old
younger brother; Mike was being raised by his guardian Jody, since
both were parent-less

Mike's Older Guardian Brother Jody Pearson (Bill

Morningside Mortuary Mortician - The Tall Man
(Angus Scrimm)

Tommy's Corpse in Coffin
- a funeral was held for Tommy at the gated Morningside
Cemetery and Mortuary - consisting of a sprawling lawn of graves
with a marble-walled mausoleum managed by the Tall Man (Angus Scrimm).
Mike wasn't allowed to attend by Jody, since after the recent death
(two years earlier under mysterious circumstances) of Jody and Mike's
parents, Mike had experienced nightmares for weeks.
- after
the burial ceremony at the gravesite and the guests had left, Mike
secretly spied (with binoculars) from the grove on the pale-faced
mortuary attendant - a sinister, arachnoid mortician-undertaker named
the "Tall Man", with supernatural strength for a
slim and gaunt individual. He watched as the mortuary attendant -
by himself - picked up the 500 pound coffin and returned it into
the back of a hearse, without completing the burial.
- Mike went to visit a local, elderly, wheel-chaired
fortune-teller (Mary Ellen Shaw) (and her young blonde granddaughter
(Terrie Kalbus)) to share his suspicions and fears about what was
bothering him. During the session, Mike first explained how he was
experiencing a fear of abandonment by his older brother. [Note: He
had overheard Jody's thoughts about sending him away to live with
his Aunt.] He also described what he witnessed at the funeral about
the eerie mortician. As he fled on his motorcycle, he was flipped
onto the ground - after one glance from the mortician - as he rode
- the fortune-teller instructed Mike to "play a
little game" - he was asked to place his hand in a small black box. Mike panicked
as the box gripped his hand - but his fears quickly subsided when it
was suggested by the granddaughter that the lesson was that he shouldn't
be afraid - one of the film's key themes: ("Don't fear. It was
simply a reflection. Fear is the killer...It was all in your mind").
- one evening, Mike followed Jody from the Dunes Cantina accompanied by
the Lady in Lavender (a repeat of the opening sequence) to the Morningside
Cemetery to have sex. As he was eavesdropping on them, Mike was scared
by a small brown-robed dwarfish figure ("It
was little and brown, and low to the ground"), and inadvertently
alerted Jody to danger - and then the Lady (the Tall Man's alias)
inexplicably disappeared.
- during this time
in his life, Mike was suffering from an "overactive imagination" plus
chilling, surrealistic, dream-like nightmares of the Tall Man and
his army of mostly unseen, shrouded, dwarfish creatures (or minions)
(similar to the Jawas in Star Wars). That evening, he unexpectedly experienced a frightening
and scary dream of the Tall Man above his bed reaching out from the
cemetery, with two hooded, demonic killer-dwarves attacking him in
his bed. The next evening, while working on his jacked-up car in
his garage, Mike was pinned under the dropped car due to one of the
- suspicious, (armed with a hunting knife strapped on
his leg) Mike broke into the Mortuary later that night through a
basement window, and hid in one of the caskets on display when the
graveyard's grounds-keeper (Kenneth V. Jones) entered the room. Soon
after in the hallway's corridor, a flying metallic sphere or silver
pin-ball sailed through the air with deadly spring-loaded blades
- in the film's most memorable scene, Mike was grabbed
by the grounds-keeper from behind. When a second sphere was launched
by the Tall Man, Mike bit the arm of the grounds-keeper and was
released, and he dropped down. The sphere implanted itself into
the grounds-keeper's forehead, and then the device bore or drilled
into the skull of its victim and extracted or sucked out his brain
in a spray of blood. The man collapsed, with evidence of urine
from his emptied bladder leaking onto the floor.
- after a chase toward the basement by the haunting
Tall Man who appeared in the hallway, Mike hacked off the fingers
on the right hand of the mortician when they became caught in the
slammed basement door. Mike picked up one of the still-wiggling
fingers on the floor before running off from two of the man's shrouded,
Jawas-like dwarfish creatures (or minions) and returning home

Tall Man's Hacked Off Fingers in the Slammed Basement

One Severed Finger of the Tall Man in a Box

Finger Mutated into Red-Eyed, Wasp-Insect with

Buzzing Creature Atop Mike's Head
- the next morning, Mike was finally able to get Jody
to believe him - with the proof of one of the Tall Man's hacked-off,
still-squirming fingers in a box (with spurting, bright yellow blood
or embalming fluid). Shockingly, the finger transformed or mutated
into a buzzing, flying wasp-like insect that first landed on Mike's
head, and then was deposited by Jody in their kitchen's garbage disposal.
Their ice-cream vendor friend Reggie (Reggie Bannister) arrived as
they were killing the insect - he became a believer in their suspicions
and agreed to join in their efforts.
- in the evening, Jody (armed with a .45 caliber pistol, whose philosophy
was: "You shoot to kill, or you don't shoot
at all") visited the cemetery and mortuary on his own to investigate,
but couldn't get any further than the basement when attacked from
behind by a hooded dwarf creature. After blasting the dwarf with
his hand-gun, Jody escaped and ran back toward the cemetery gate
while being followed by one of the mortuary's hearses. Mike (who
had followed against orders) rescued Jody in his brother's Plymouth
Barracuda at the entrance, and they were both pursued by what seemed
to be a driver-less hearse ("There's nobody drivin' that mother!").
After running the hearse off the road by pump-shotgun blasts from
Jody's gun, they discovered that the driver was a reanimated, dwarf-sized
version of their recently-deceased friend Tommy.
[Note: The menacing and disturbing Tall Man, possibly
from another planet, appeared to be collecting fresh Earthly corpses
- a perfect cover for a mortician. The corpses were then crushed
(to conserve space) down to dwarf-sized zombies, reanimated or
resuscitated and many of them were prepared for transport to his
other-worldly dimension. Some of the Tall Man's army of shrouded,
Jawas-like dwarfish creatures (or minions) - grave robbers - were
used as slave labor to collect and carry off the corpses.]
- the two pad-locked the hooded, shrunken 'Tommy' figure
(although it weighed 200 lbs) in the back of the ice cream truck
of their friend Reggie. To protect Mike, he was taken to the local
antique store in town, where while browsing, he discovered an old
19th century 'animated' photo of the Tall Man driving a horse-drawn
hearse in front of the mortuary. Mike demanded to be taken back home.
Meanwhile, Jody experienced a brief nightmare of the haunting Tall
Man and his abduction by dwarves in the mausoleum.
Jody's Nightmare of His Own Abduction by the Tall
Man and Dwarves
- on Mike's drive home with Jody's friends - two
store workers Sally (Lynn Eastman) and her girlfriend Sue (Susan
Harper), Mike came upon Reggie's empty, overturned ice-cream truck,
and noticed the broken padlock. Suddenly, their car was surrounded
by a group of hooded dwarves who attacked the teens. Mike fought
off the dwarves and was able to escape through the car's rear broken
window before he was able to run home, but remained unaware of
the fate of the girls (who were driven off) or Reggie.
- Jody was resolute to return alone to the mortuary-mausoleum
and kill the Tall Man, and refused to take Mike with him. On his
own after ingeniously escaping from his locked room, an armed Mike
followed, but was immediately kidnapped by the Tall Man who was standing
at the door of his house as Mike exited. Mike was driven away in
the back of the Tall Man's hearse to the cemetery. From inside the
vehicle, he shot out the rear window and one of the tires, allowing
him to escape, and causing the hearse to crash into a tree and explode
in a fiery ball of flames.
- once inside the mausoleum-mortuary,
both Mike and Jody suspected that the Tall Man was responsible
for their parents' deaths - they discovered separately that
their parent's coffin in their family crypt was empty. The two were
again targeted by a silver sphere, shot down by Jody. Reggie suddenly
appeared and told Mike and Jody that he had been hiding in a casket
in the mortuary and had freed the two girls (and a few others) he
found locked in a room.
- in a brightly lit storage
room, the threesome found stacks of blue storage barrels or canisters
holding the bodies of dwarves. The Tall Man had prepared their corpses
to soon be transported to another alien planet or world, to continue
to be used for slave labor. There was a bridge, portal or gateway
(vacuum passage) between Earth and another alien planet, consisting
of two vertical silver poles. Mike was temporarily sucked in when
he stuck his hand between the poles, and found himself on the alien
planet with red-hot intense heat. He was pulled back into the store
room by his two pals. He then explained: "They're usin' 'em
for slaves. The dwarfs. And they got to crush 'em 'cause of the gravity.
And the heat. And this is the door to their planet."

Stacks of Blue Storage Barrels

Looking in at Storage Room

Two Vertical Poles - Gateway to Another Alien

Mike Grabbed and Sucked In

Tumbling Toward Alien Planet

Dwarves on Red-Hot Surface of Planet
- during an unexpected power outage, the trio became
separated. Outside during an intense windstorm, Reggie appeared to
be stabbed to death by the Lady in Lavender (the Tall Man's frequent
disguise), while Jody and Mike escaped as the mausoleum-mortuary
glowed, vaporized and vanished.
- the two boys felt that they had to defend their town
and all of mankind against these forces of Evil. Their devised plan
was to lure and then trap the Tall Man inside an old, deserted, 1,000
foot deep mine shaft outside of town. During a chase after Mike toward
the mine shaft in a remote area (with the warning barrier removed),
Mike avoided letting fear overtake him. The evil Tall Man fell into
the open deep shaft, was covered over with an avalanche of large
boulders and sealed inside
- however, in the shocking twist ending, it was all revealed
to be another of Mike's nightmarish dreams, as he suddenly awoke
during a thunderstorm next to his friend Reggie in front of a roaring
fire. It was explained to Mike that his brother Jody had died in
a car wreck two weeks earlier - along with his parents:
Mike: I hear the sounds. I know those rocks aren't
gonna hold him. Not for long.
Reggie: Hey, you had a dream. Just a nightmare. What do you expect?
You've hardly slept since the funeral last week.
Mike: I know those rocks aren't gonna hold him. First he took Mom
and Dad, then he took Jody, now he's after me.
Reggie: Mike, that Tall Man of yours did not take Jody away. Jody
died in a car wreck. Mike, you had a bad dream. Now, I know you're
scared, but you're not alone. I'll take care of you. I know I can't
ever take Jody's place, but I'm sure as hell gonna try.
Mike: Seems so real.
Reggie: You know, partner, what we need is a change of scenery. Why
don't you and me hit the road for a couple of weeks?
Mike: Where will we go?
Reggie: Well, I don't know. I guess we can figure that one out when
we get there.
Mike: OK.
Reggie: Well, get on upstairs, get your gear together, 'cause we
leave when the sun comes up.
Tall Man in Mike's Bedroom, Snatching
Mike Through His Closet Bedroom Mirror
- and then somehow in the conclusion, the Tall Man materialized
in Mike's bedroom as he was packing for a road trip - seen in a reflection
on a full-length closet door mirror. The Tall Man menacingly called
out: "Boy!" - and a pair of large hands from one of the
Tall Man's dwarf minions grabbed Mike's head and pulled him into
and through the shattering bedroom mirror - an ending similar to
the shock finale-epilogue of A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).
The film abruptly ended with the blood-red final credits on a black
During Tommy's Funeral Ceremony, 13
Year-Old Mike Pearson (Michael Baldwin) Used Binoculars to Spy on the Tall
Man and His Suspicious Handling of Tommy's Coffin

Mike's Visit to a Fortune-Telling Grandmother

Mike's 'Game' With Black Box (Lesson: "Don't fear")

Jody with Lady in Lavender in Cemetery

Mike Unexpectedly Attacked by The Tall Man and Dwarfs During a Nightmare

Mike Grabbed From Behind by Groundskeeper
Flying Metallic Sphere Aimed Toward Them
Graveyard Groundskeeper's Hit in Forehead by Sphere - Gruesome

Tall Man in Corridor Behind Mike Before a Chase Toward the Basement

Ice-Cream Vendor Friend Reggie (Reggie Bannister)

Dwarf-Like Hooded Figure Behind Jody in Mortuary Basement Before Attack

Shocking Discovery: The Dwarf-Driver of the Crashed Hearse was Tommy!

19th Century Photo of the Tall Man

Mike Kidnapped at His Own House

The Exterior of the Mortuary at Nighttime

Mike Discovered Empty Coffin of His Parents

Reggie 'Stabbed to Death' by Lady in Lavender (Tall Man)
Entrance Warning Barrier to Mine Shaft Covered Over

Tall Man - Fallen into Mine Shaft Hole
Film's Ending: Mike Waking Up From Nightmare - Plot Twist