Mondo Cane (1962, It.) (aka A Dog's
This popular Italian-made globe-trotting, amateurish "shockumentary" or
"antidocumentary" was luridly advertised as a travelogue
of "truth stranger than fiction" - with xenophobic glimpses
of dark-skinned, bare 'savages' engaged in grotesque and bizarre
religious rituals, tribal ceremonies, many scenes of animal abuse
and cruelty, and lurid scenes of human perversity!
It inspired a series of sequel "Mondo" films
(or "shockumentaries") and dozens of imitators, including
Rolf Olsen's Shocking Asia (1974) and Conan Le Cilaire's Faces
of Death, Part 1 (1978) series of films. It was the progenitor
of "snuff" films, execution videos, hard-core pornography,
and even reality TV.
The film was castigated as pornographic, trashy and
vulgar for its taboo subject matter, although by today's standards,
the offensive scenes would be considered extremely tame. Allegedly
real scenes were often intermixed with faked, reconstructed or manipulated
footage (with misleading narration):
- in the US, Italian actor and film-star Rossano Brazzi
(as Himself) was surrounded by eager females to rip off his shirt
and acquire his autograph; similarly, man-chasing (or man-hunting)
was conducted by bare-breasted native girls in the Trobriand Islands;
this was contrasted with a busty bikini-clad female followed by
US sailors, who also oogled other swimsuit-clad gals in a speed-boat
on the Riviera flaunting their chests
- a New Guinea native female who lost a child was
breast-feeding an orphaned piglet
- a brutal mass pig-slaughtering, roasting and feast
by natives in New Guinea was held every five years
- a wealthy pet cemetery (Pet Haven Cemetery for
mourning pet lovers) in Pasadena, CA was contrasted with caged
dogs and the eating of roasted dogmeat in open-air restaurants
in Taipei, Taiwan
- hundreds of young chicks were dyed in different
colors for Easter in Rome, although many died during the drying
- in Strasbourg (the fois gras capital of the
world), over a half-million geese were subjected to a torturous
force-feeding treatment (through a mechanized funnel) before being
- a calf-breeding farm in Japan with masseurs who
massaged the animals to tenderize their very expensive, specialized
Wagyu meat for exclusive restaurants in Japan and NY; each calf
was fed six bottles of beer a day (directly from the bottles) to
fatten them, contrasted with the force-feeding of decorated New
Guinea native girls in the island group of Tabar for six months
with tapioca to make them more marriageable and fertile for a skinny
yet very potent dictatorial leader - and compared to western weight-loss
techniques in Los Angeles (Vic Tanny gym equipment exercises, rotating
weight-loss machines, group dancing, etc.)
- laundry was hanging from multi-level apartment buildings,
above where hungry Chinese crowded open-air markets in Hong Kong,
selling crocodiles, toads, serpents, turtles, and lizards; similarly,
the exclusive Colony restaurant in NYC served exotic and expensive
lunch delicacies to the elite rich, such as canned bees, lava worms,
fried ants, stuffed beetle, butterfly eggs, musk rat, rattlesnake,
- in Singapore, Malaysia where snake was the national
dish, housewives would bargain with vendors for just the right
squirming reptile that was skinned alive under a watchful eye
- on St. Dominic's Day in Cocullo, Italy, a folklore
festival-procession was held every year to honor the Saint who
rid the town of venomous viper snakes in the 11th century; participants
in the parade were adorned with live snakes
- bloody self-flagellation and self-punishment of
one's legs (with cork hammers and glass shards) were observed among
devout Catholic penitents on Good Friday as an annual rite in the
small southern town of Nocera Terinese in Italy, to exalt the flagellation
of Christ
- on its 10th anniversary, teenaged girl lifeguards
of the Life Savers Girls Assocation paraded on the streets of Sydney,
Australia before arriving at Manly Beach to conduct staged drowning
rescues of young males and the practice of CPR for the viewing
- in the film's most tragic and sad sequence, animal
life was profoundly changed by the environmental catastrophe and
contamination due to the effects of radiation and nuclear atomic
testing on the small islands of Bikini Atoll; dead butterflies
drifted on the ocean surface; some fish evacuated from the ocean,
migrated and began to live in trees, while some birds hid underground
and laid their eggs; many thousands of eggs from different species
would never hatch; sea turtles also lost their sense of direction
during egg-laying season and would perish in the sun
- natives in the Malaysian archipelago was an immense
underwater cemetery littered with human skulls; each night after
a funeral, sharks would be attracted to the fresh corpses and human
flesh and became man-eaters; some of the poor local fishermen in
a coastal village would then hunt the sharks, but some were disabled,
maimed or lost limbs by the voracious fish; sun-dried shark fins
would be sold to Chinese communities inland for their alleged aphrodisiac
powers; some vengeful locals sought to torture and cause a week
of suffering for cannibalistic sharks with a poisonous sea urchin
inserted into their throat
- in Rome, a cemetery of the Capuchin Friars has now
been turned into a museum, where one macabre section of skeletal
remains from nearly 4,000 friars (from the 16th-19th centuries),
that were collected and artfully decorated and costumed in a crypt;
similarly, an Italian group known as the Fraternity of the Red
Hoods (or Sacks) was formed in the 1700s on Taberina Island, with
a mission to maintain and guard another crypt-cemetery; each week,
families including children would assist in cleaning the skulls
and bones; in contrast, in a German beerhouse
in Hamburg, in the St. Pauli district on the Reeperbahn, patrons
drank beer and celebrated life (dancing, romancing, getting drunk,
- an exercise-bathhouse-massage parlor in Tokyo, Japan
was specifically for drunken men who needed to alleviate their
hangovers, and was populated with women in bras and shorts
- in Macao (a territory in China), corpses were made-up
for their funerals, with offerings of food, and money that was
burned to accompany the dead to the afterlife
- in Singapore and in all of Malaysia heavily populated
with Chinese, a "House of Death" (hotel or boarding house)
was established for the dying, as others outside awaited their
deaths while feasting; dancers also urged on the gods to take the
- in the Los Angeles metropolis, in an automobile
graveyard-junkyard (or 'death house') or cemetery, cars were spiked
or picked up and deposited in crushing machines that converted
them into cubes; cubes were recycled in Europe for future smaller
automobiles, although some cubes were even sold as pieces of modern
artwork in Paris
- in Czechoslovakia, nude women covered in bright
blue paint ("human paint brushes") threw themselves at
a canvas to make modern art paintings for French artist Yves Klein
- hula dancing and leis were presented as cruise
travelers and tourists disembarked in Honolulu, Hawaii; other tourists
watched the performances of hula and Hawaiian music in the popular
Kodak hula show
- in Nepal, fierce soldiers (Gurkhas) performed two
rituals during a national holiday - (1) the commemoration of the
beheading execution of 300 Gurkhas POWs by the Japanese in WWII
by having the soldiers cross-dress as women, and (2) the gruesome
beheading of live bulls cheered on by audiences
- in Portugal, the running of a bull and bull-fighting
in the arena were conducted, resulting in deaths and many injuries
- New Guinea natives in Goroka worshipped in a western
Catholic church service, and received communion wafers while kneeling
at the altar
- indigenous tribal peoples in Papua, New Guinea were
part of a cargo cult ("the cult of the cargo planes")
that worshipped airplanes and related structures (landing strip
and control tower) that they believed came from Paradise

Dogmeat in Taipei

Chicks Being Dyed

Fattening Up Native Girls Before Marriage

Self-Flagellation in Italy

Japanese Massage Parlor-Bathouse for Drunken Men

Natives Worshipping During Catholic Church Communion

"Man-Hunting" Native Girls in the Trobriand Islands

Flirtatious Busty Women

Piglet Being Breast-Fed
Pig Slaughtering-Roasting Feast

Eggs Destined to Never Hatch on Bikini Atolls After Nuclear Testing

Disoriented Turtle Without Sense of Direction

Underwater Human Cemeteries that Attracted Sharks

Funeral Make-Up Applied to the Deceased

Car Crushing Machine in Los Angeles - Converting Cars into Cubes

Human Paint Brushes

Hawaiian Leis Presented to Disembarking Cruise Passengers

Bull-Fighting in an Arena in Portugal