(1985, UK/US)
Director Tobe Hooper's science-fiction horror/adventure/disaster
tale (and 'guilty-pleasure' film) had the working title Space
Intruders or Vampires from Outer Space - similar to
the name of the original 1976 Colin Wilson novel The Space Vampires upon
which the film was based. Its main tagline referred to the apocalyptic threat of a race
of space vampires in London to turn the populace into zombies: "In
the blink of an eye, the terror begins."
It was a hybrid mix of many genres-subgenres:
vampire, zombie, horror, science-fiction, and thriller, with many allusions
to Alien (1979) (due to a co-scripting
effort by Dan O'Bannon).
- in the film's opening, the mission of the British-American H.M.S.
Churchill space shuttle, under the command of Col. Tom Carlsen
(Steve Railsback), was to intercept and study Halley's Comet; during
its space journey in August of 1985, it discovered a 150-mile long,
needle-shaped derelict alien spaceship hidden within the comet's
coma (tail or atmospheric cloud)
- four crew members wearing
EVA suits were dispatched to investigate inside the derelict alien
spacecraft, where in a massive chamber, they discovered thousands
of giant, shriveled and dessicated dead bats or floating winged creatures
(prehistoric-looking), and three naked humanoid creatures ("two
nude males and one female"); the "three bodies perfectly
preserved" were
within three clear, coffin-like suspended-animation crystalline sleep
cases hanging upside down; one of the astronauts - Col. Carlsen -
regarded the female specimen as "perfect"; with one sample
creature and the three cases onboard, the HMS Churchill sped
off from Halley's Comet
Three Bodies Perfectly Preserved in Crystalline
Cases Within Derelict Alien Spacecraft
- 30 Days Later, a rescue mission arranged by mission
control sent the US sister-ship, the Columbia, to
dock with
the non-communicative Churchill; it discovered that the interior
of the Churchill had been gutted by fire and the crew were
dead; one floating burned corpse provided a jump-scare; the crew
were presumably drained of their 'lifeforce'; all that remained untouched
and undamaged were the three suspended animation, crystal-coffin
cases holding the aliens (vampiric)
- at the militarily-protected European Space
Research Centre in London (as Halley's greenish comet trail filled
the sky), the aliens in the cases were prepared for autopsies and
dissection; the creatures, considered vampirish life-forms, were
to be studied and investigated by the mission coordinator Dr. Leonard
Bukovsky (Michael Gothard) and biochemist Dr. Hans Fallada (Frank
Finlay), who would be assisted by SAS member Col. Colin Caine (Peter

Dr. Leonard Bukovsky (Michael Gothard)

Dr. Hans Fallada (Frank Finlay)

Col. Colin Caine (Peter Firth) - Member of SAS
- the main female alien space creature (or vampire)
was named "Space Girl" (Mathilda May) [Note: French actress
Mathilda May as the alien vampire was spectacularly nude for most
of her screen time.]; the other two space vampire-aliens were credited
as 1st Vampire (Chris Jagger) and 2nd Vampire (Bill Malin)
- at around 2 am, the "Space Girl" who was
laid out on an examining table under a blanket, suddenly opened her
eyes and awakened, and sat straight up; she slipped off the table
and smiled/glared at a helmeted guard (John Keegan); the beautiful
naked, human-looking creature removed the guard's helmet, and kissed
him - sucking the energy 'lifeforce' out of him, and creating a flickering
power surge in the room; she turned him into a dessicated, shriveled-up
mummy corpse with leathery withered skin
- then, the vampirish creature
seductively walked up to Dr. Bukovsky (who had rushed into the lab
after viewing what was happening on closed circuit TV), overpowered
him with her feminine presence and suggested: "Use my body," but
he was saved from the guard's fate by the intervention of Professor
Fallada and other guards
- the naked "Space-Girl" calmly
walked out of the facility by subduing-zapping other guards in the
main lobby and blowing out the large window panels with her supernatural
powers; she went on to further terrorize London
- when the scientists met together, Dr. Bukovsky described how he was overpowered:
"It was the most overwhelmingly feminine presence I've ever encountered";
Fallada described her as a vampire: "I
think that girl, creature, drained energy, lifeforce, partially from
Bukovsky and totally from the guard....In a sense, we're all vampires.
We drain energy from other life-forms. The difference is one of degree.
That girl was no girl. She is totally alien to this planet and our
life-form and totally dangerous"
- it appeared to the researchers
that the aliens were a race of "space
vampires" - who consumed "life-force" energy rather
than blood from their victims; the two humanoid males then awoke and
approached the guards armed with assault rifles, and were unaffected
by a barrage of bullets; all three vampires were able to transform
into the identity of others - the two males took on the identity of
guards to evade detection and escape
- it was demonstrated
how all infected or zombified victims could then regenerate or transform
themselves after two hours and become "living dead" - to continue the exponential, chain-reaction
cycle of draining others (with a two-hour time limit until they needed
a new energy transfusion); otherwise, they would permanently dessicate
themselves (turning into a pile of dust)
- this pattern or phenomenon
was seen to occur numerous times, beginning when the dessicated guard
sucked the lifeforce from one of the autopsy medical-pathologists,
and exchanged places with him
- meanwhile, the alien girl was transforming herself
by possessing various host bodies; her first target was an unnamed
Hyde Park female who was completely dessicated
- the astronaut-commander of the Churchill -
Col. Tom Carlsen was discovered to have survived;
he had jettisoned in an escape pod from the H.M.S. Churchill,
entered Earth's atmosphere, and landed in Texas; he was returned
to London, where he described (with partial flashbacks) how he had
set fire to the shuttle to prevent the disastrous cargo from exposing
the entire Earth, since crew members were dying one by one (their
lives were drained) on the return trip
- Col. Carlsen made a crucial confession
when he admitted his psychic attraction to the "Space-Girl": "Part
of me didn't want to leave. She killed all my friends, and I still
didn't want to leave. Leaving her was the hardest thing I ever did"
- during a nightmarish, red-tinged
hallucination, Col. Carlsen dreamed that the "Space-Girl" visited
him while he was sleeping to make love, and drained him of most of
his energy (he complained: "You're taking too much of me!");
through hypnosis, it was determined
that Carlsen was closely and psychically linked to the alien female
- then, it appeared that the "Space-Girl", as
she moved "from body to body, mind to mind," had decided
to take only a small amount of energy from each new victim - so that
there was no trail of bodies; Carlsen and Col. Caine went to Yorkshire to investigate
- the two found that the "Space-Girl's" next target
was Ellen Donaldson (Nancy Paul), a seductive (and masochistic) nurse who worked
at a Yorkshire hospital-asylum (ThurIstone HospitaI) for the
criminally-insane; on her way to work, hitch-hiking Ellen then seduced a healthy male named
Ned Price (Sidney Livingstone), and then the "Space-Girl"
left her and possibly went on to inhabit the body of one of the inmates
- a child murderer named Jeffrey Sykes (Ken Parry) - a mentally-deficient
patient in a padded solitary confinement cell at the institution.
- however, the spirit of the Girl went on to possess
the the body of the asylum manager Dr. Armstrong
(Patrick Stewart); Armstrong was heavily-sedated in order to trap
the Girl inside of him; Carlsen was able to talk to the "Space-Girl" captive
inside of Armstrong; she could be heard pleading with him: "CarIsen,
be with me....I Iove you...."
- the voice of the "Space-Girl" inside
Armstrong then confessed, through further hypnosis, that the aliens
had taken on human forms after entering the minds of the Churchill astronauts;
the "Space-Girl" had taken her "perfect" shape
from Carlsen's own dreams and mind: "I took
my shape from your mind. I took your language. I became the woman I
found there, in your deepest thoughts, your deepest needs. I am the
feminine in your mind, Carlsen"
- Carlsen appeared to go crazy, yelling at Armstrong
(who had taken the form of the "Space-Girl")
as he begged: "Where are you? Where's your body? Let her go!" But
then Carlsen began begging for his own captivated life: "Let me
go!"; as Armstrong's body convulsed and blue light emanated from
his body, Caine overdosed him to help stop the escape of the Space-Girl from his body
- Carlsen then became gravely concerned
about the possible imminent threat of alien annihilation: "It's
aIready spreading....You didn't stop it. It's too late"; Carlsen and
Caine both worried together: "Could the
girl have been deliberately leading us away from London? Is it possible
we didn't find all of her victims? If we didn't find all the victims,
if there are others besides the girl in the park, the thing would spread
in a chain reaction, geometrically, until by now - Christ!"
- as the body of a heavily-sedated Armstrong was transported
back to London in a helicopter, the alien "Space-Girl" finally
broke free of Armstrong's body, coalesced into a bloody-red representation
of the Space-Girl creature and disappeared: ("We've lost her,
she's gone")
- in another full (second) flashback
by Carlsen about his time on the Churchill, he divulged
to Caine that he had actually sabotaged the mission: ("I didn't
want the Churchill to be abIe to reach Earth. And if it did,
I didn't want anyone to know what happened"); he described the experience when he was spiritually
called to the Space-Girl and fully connected to her: ("She wanted
me"); he opened her vampire-like container and shared his spiritual
'life-force' with her: "I opened her sealed
animation case. Either I did it or she did it. I couldn't heIp myseIf.
I've never experienced such -- I was in love on a level you've never
known, Caine. It terrifies me. My memory plays tricks on me. She was
calling me. Her power was spiritual. She wanted me, Caine. It was more
than spiritual. She took some of my energy. And she gave me some of
her energy. They must have been living off of each other when we found
'em. There were onIy three of 'em left. She killed all of my men, one
by one. But I survived. She wanted me to survive. She chose me! Why!?
- however, Caine reminded Carlsen
of her real nature: "Carlsen, she's not human.
She's not a woman. She'll destroy you.
She's destroyed worlds"
During Carlsen's Flashback About the Churchill,
Carlsen Described How He Became Entranced by Space-Girl
- like "vampires of legend," the
spawned alien creatures were spreading infection like a plague in London
(even infecting the Prime Minister (Peter Porteous) who attacked his
own secretary Miss Haversham (Katherine Schofield)); they caused the
streets to be overrun with rabid-like, vampire-alien-zombies; there
were reports that the alien vessel was "bearing down on the
Earth" and was in "geostationary orbit" over London; with martial
law ineffective, a thermonuclear device delivered by NATO (now in military
command), might need to be detonated to sterilize the air-space
- all of the drained human life-force energy (blue lights
symbolizing human souls) was seen being directed first toward the "Space-Girl" and
then collected by the awaiting, immense 150 mile-long, umbrella-shaped
alien mothership parked above her, that had broken free of the comet
- Dr. Fallada discovered how to kill the alien vampires
- using an iron "leaded metal shaft" (or sword); the two male vampires
were successfully eliminated by impalement just
below the heart (through the energy center) by the sword (one
by Dr. Fallada, and later one by Col. Caine); but then, it
was up to the chosen one, Carlsen, to confront and kill the "Space-Girl";
however, through
his psychic connection, Carlsen felt that he was being drawn back
to reunite or "mate" with
the female alien, to "end the madness" and to give back
the energy she had originally given him
- a gigantic blue column of
light (the lifeforce of countless human souls) ascended and funneled
its way into the umbrella-shaped alien mothership hovering above
those littIe blue lights going up toward the cIouds are human souls")
- in the finale, Carlsen was summoned or drawn to the
altar inside St. Paul's Cathedral
where the "Space-Girl" reclined in a crypt ("the crypt
of kings and queens"), as the lifeforce
energy was beamed up to the spaceship; he approached her and accepted
her entreaty as she sat up: "Come.
Be with me. I need you. It was aIways intended you shouId find us
and bring us to Earth. The web of destiny carries your bIood and
souI back to the genesis of my Iife-form. Come, be with me"
- during an ecstatic nude embrace
and kiss within the swirling column of light, he asked: "What
are these feeIings? Why do I feeI so cIose to you, need you?";
admitted (with the film's final lines of dialogue) that he was one
of them - a vampire: "Because
you're one of us. You always have been. You're like me. Be with me.
Just a little more. Just a little more"
Finale: The Space Girl's Merging During Sex/Death
with Col. Carlsen
- self-sacrificially during mid-coitus, to stop the
flow of energy, Carlsen then skewered both of them with the leaden
metal stake-sword offered to him by Col. Caine; electric red and
blue rays and swirls emanated from their bodies as their souls merged
together into the blue column of light; the combined blue energy
from their two bodies blasted off the top of St. Paul's Cathedral
dome as the two moved up the light column into the vessel; the energy
from the blue light was sufficient to power up the giant alien spaceship,
to enable it to disengage from Earth's orbit and set itself on a
course toward Halley's Comet

Radar Trace of 150 Mile Needle-Shaped Alien Ship Inside
Halley's Comet Tail

Death of Guard - His Lifeforce Was Sucked Out by "Space

Afterwards, "Space Girl" Approached Dr. Bukovsky
in the Lab

Space-Girl's Escape From the Research Centre

The Two Male Alien Creatures in London's Space Research Centre

The Dessicated Hyde Park Female Victim
Carlsen's Nightmare Dream of Making Love to the "Space-Girl"

The "Space-Girl" In Armstrong's Body and Escaping From It

Carlsen's Second Flashback About the Churchill: ("She
wanted me")

The Alien Ship (Umbrella-Shaped) Connected by Blue Light Column to the "Space-Girl"

Caine's Stabbing Death of the 2nd Male Vampire on the Steps of Cathedral