The Last
Picture Show (1971)
In critic turned director Peter
Bogdanovich's best and most realistic, black-and-white drama The
Last Picture Show (1971), it provided a melancholy
look at adultery, alcoholism and promiscuity in 1950s Texas;
it was about life and rites of passage of the inhabitants of small,
dying Texas town of Anarene from late 1951 until about a year later,
and their many dreams and shattered loves; it was based upon Larry
McMurtry's 1966 semi-autobiographical novel of the same name; most
of the characters were high-schoolers who were dealing with the thoughts
of their future beyond the isolated, dismal and bleak town; although
the adult-themed film was nominated for eight Oscars (with two wins
for supporting performers), some considered it obscene for its full
frontal nudity and explicit sexual situations. See Sex
in Films for
uncensored version
- the co-captains of the HS football
team, Texas high-school seniors Duane Jackson (Jeff Bridges) and
Sonny Crawford (Timothy Bottoms), who lived together in a boarding
house, often visited with the town's aging patriarch - old-timer,
ex-cowboy Sam 'The Lion' (Oscar-winning Ben Johnson), owner of
the local pool hall and theatre, to ponder their uncertain futures;
Sonny was tasked with taking care and watching over his mentally
retarded, mute brother Billy (Sam Bottoms, Timothy's real-life
brother); often, the youths would meet up with the cafe's
salty-tongued waitress Genevieve (Eileen Brennan)
Two Couples

Duane with Jacy Farrow (Cybil Shepherd)

Sonny with Charlene Duggs (Sharon Taggart)
- in various sexcapades in Duane's
and Sonny's shared pickup truck (after attending the town's "picture
show" on Saturday date night with their girlfriends), Duane
was dating rich, self-centered, and pretty town tease Jacy Farrow
(Cybill Shepherd in her film debut), whose alcoholic mother Lois
(Ellen Burstyn), while providing her with a poor role model, was
having an affair with attractive but dissolute oil driller Abilene
(Clu Gulager)

Lois Farrow (Ellen Burstyn) - Jacy's Mother

Oil Driller Abilene (Clu Galager)
Lois' Flirtations With Abilene
at Town's Xmas Party
- meanwhile, Sonny was in a short term
relationship with his unattractive
girlfriend of one year Charlene Duggs (Sharon
Taggart, aka Sharon Ullrick); they customarily drove to a lover's
lane area and listened to the radio, for awkward petting
in the pickup truck; this Saturday night, she methodically removed
her own sweater (he unhooked her pointed bra and hung it on the
rear-view mirror), and as usual, she routinely permitted him to
cup her full right breast (with his cold left hand) while they
kissed; however, this time, she angrily asked: "What's
the matter with you? You act plain bored" - and he decided to break up with her
- over a period of time, Sonny
became acquainted with depressed, middle-aged,
low-self-esteemed Ruth Popper (Oscar-winning Cloris Leachman), the
wife of his basketball coach Coach Popper (Bill Thurman); after
a few visits to her place, he proceeded to get involved
in a lengthy affair (and lose his virginity) with her;
they embarrassingly kissed standing up and then hurriedly and self-consciously
undressed (without looking at each other) in separate areas of
the bedroom; once in bed and under the covers, she permitted Sonny
to proceed with having sex: "It's
all right"; during furtive love-making, the bed's squeaky springs
poignantly reflected Ruth's inner anguish and pain as she cried
and gave her heart to him
- in a high school classroom, the English teacher
(John Hillerman) read a Keats poem to his disinterested class of
teens: ("When old age shall this generation waste Thou shalt remain, in midst of
other woe Than ours, a friend to man To whom thou sayest, 'Beauty
is truth, Truth Beauty' That is all ye know on Earth And all ye need to know")
- at the town's annual Xmas dance attended by some
of Jacy's country-club friends, she was invited by Lester Marlow
(Randy Quaid) to attend a private, teenaged midnight skinny-dipping
indoor pool party taking place in nearby Wichita Falls, TX; to
end her date with boyfriend Duane who had just given her an expensive
watch as a Christmas present, the conniving Jacy told Duane that
her mother had ordered her to attend Lester's swimming party
- after driving off with Lester, in the film's most
controversial scene, the sexually-adventurous neophyte Jacy arrived
at the party held at the home of wealthy Bobby Sheen (Gary Brockette),
without Duane's knowledge; at the party, she was greeted as a 'new
victim' by the stark naked host with his nude girlfriend Annie-Annie
Martin (Kimberly Hyde), who asked: "Wanna
join the club?"
- Jacy was challenged to get undressed out on
the diving board as part of her initiation rites ("So everybody
gets to watch"); expectantly, the whole naked group of teenaged
boys and girls eagerly sat by the edge of the pool to watch "the
strip show" - she nervously and gingerly removed many articles
of clothing, almost fell off the diving board, and then with one
dramatic gesture, yanked off her bra top and flung it on top of her
pile of clothes; finally, she was cheered as she hopped into the
water - completely naked; she had succeeded in attracting the attention
of the rich kids - and in particular, the wealthy young playboy
- Duane and some of the other town boys unwisely sought
to help Billy lose his virginity by setting him up with a local
waitress Jimmie Sue (Helena Humann); the experience went poorly
with the confused and disabled young boy in the back seat of a
car, and he ended up with a bloody nose; the incident caused a
brief falling-out between Sam and the town's youth, who denounced
their "trashy behavior" and refused to have them enter his businesses
(pool hall, cafe, and theater) for awhile
- at
the old tank dam on an overcast New Years' Eve day, in the film's
most memorable single sequence, while Sam was fishing with Sonny
and Billy, he delivered a monologue about his recollection of the
idyllic "old times" and
his one true love; he remembered a "crazy" youthful romance
with a girl who swam nude with him in the water: ("You wouldn't
believe how this country's changed. First time I seen it, there
wasn't a mesquite tree on it, or a prickly pear neither. I used
to own this land, you know. First time I watered a horse at this
tank was more than forty years ago. I reckon the reason why I always
drag you out here is probably I'm just as sentimental as the next
fella when it comes to old times. Old times. I brought a young
lady swimmin' out here once, more than 20 years ago. Was after
my wife had lost her mind and my boys was dead. Me and this young
lady was pretty wild, I guess. In pretty deep. We used to come
out here on horseback and go swimmin' without no bathing suits.
One day, she wanted to swim the horses across this tank. Kind of
a crazy thing to do, but we done it anyway. She bet me a silver
dollar she could beat me across. She did. This old horse I was
ridin' didn't want to take the water. But she was always lookin'
for somethin' to do like that. Somethin' wild. I'll bet she's still
got that silver dollar....Oh, she growed up. She was just a girl then, really")
- at
the end of the monologue, he explained why he didn't marry her -
she was already attached: ("She was
already married. Her and her husband was young and miserable with
one another like so many young married folks are. I thought they'd
change with some age, but it didn't turn out that way"); he
concluded that marriages were often miserable and failed ("About
eighty percent of the time, I guess"); he also lamented the
coming of old age: ("If she was here, I'd probably be just as
crazy now as I was then in about five minutes. Ain't that ridiculous?
Naw, it ain't really. 'Cause bein' crazy 'bout a woman like her's
always the right thing to do. Bein' a decrepit old bag of bones -
that's what's ridiculous - gettin' old")
- in order to work her way into Bobby's group of friends
in Wichita Falls, Jacy approached Bobby privately, although he
arrogantly rejected her after learning that she was still a virgin:
("Come and see me when you're not")
- following a New Years' weekend trip to Mexico by
Duane and Sonny, the hung-over and exhausted teens returned to
town two days later after wild partying; they were stunned to learn
that in their absence, Sam had suddenly died from a stroke; he
had willed to pool hall to Sonny, and the theatre to concession
stand worker Miss Jessie Mosey, and the cafe to Genevieve; later, there
was a cascade of misfortunes that followed in the wake of his death
(i.e., the closing of the local movie house and the pool hall)
- by the spring during the senior class picnic, the
town's ravishingly beautiful, calculating, fortune-hunting Jacy
had decided to give up her virginity to Duane in the Cactus Motel,
so that she could advance onto Bobby; during their pre-arranged
rendezvous and sexual encounter - she laid
back on the motel bed and half-closed her eyes as she encouraged
him to take her virginity: "Oh Duane, hurry"; but then
asked annoyingly: ("Aren't you gonna do it?...What do you
mean? How could anything be wrong? Just go on and do it");
aggravated by the aborted love-making when he became limp and impotent
and was unable to perform, she
blamed his Mexico trip for his inability ("No telling what you got
down there. I just hate you. I don't know why I ever went with you"),
and ordered him to dress: ("You think I wanna sit around here and look
at you nekkid?")
- Jacy feared that she might "never
get to not be a virgin" - and thereby win Bobby Sheen's heart;
she was also worried that classmates
might ridicule them when they found out about their unsuccessful and
clumsy encounter, and she confirmed what her mother had forecast: "I
think you're the meanest boy I ever saw. My mother was dead right about
you"; she instructed him to "not tell one soul - you just pretend
it was wonderful," and then
threw her panties at his face; afterwards she gushed to her admiring
girlfriend-classmates: "I just can't describe it in words"
- after graduation ceremonies for the Senior Class
of 1952, Duane assured Jacy that he was now ready ("But
I can do it now, I know I can"); at the same motel, Jacy
gave Duane a second chance to deflower her - using him to provide
an entree to dating Bobby Sheen; this time, Duane succeeded without
an audience outside to witness the post-rites of passage; soon
after, Jacy coldly broke up with Duane (who left town
with furious frustration to take a wildcat oil rigging job), and
further pursued her plan to snare Bobby, but she ultimately failed
when he abruptly dropped her and married his girlfriend
- disappointed with herself, and late on a Saturday
night, the provocative, over-sexed Jacy enticed
her father's older business partner Abilene, her mother's sex partner,
to let her join him inside the town's dark and closed-up pool-hall;
he removed her shorts and underwear and had sex with her on a pool
table - while her hands grasped the two corner pockets behind her;
after he drove her home, he coldly refused to kiss her: "How about
hoppin' out?"
Sex with Abilene on Top of Pool Table
With Arms Outstretched to Two Corner Pockets
- later after returning
home, Jacy's mother Lois had a look of pained shock and disappointment
realizing that her daughter had slept with Abilene; to break them
up, Lois encouraged Jacy to set her sights on Sonny (who always
had a secret infatuation for her) - and end his well-known affair
with 40 year-old Mrs. Popper
- the opportunistic Jacy proceeded to quickly seduce
Sonny into leaving Mrs. Popper (after six months together); the older
woman soon sensed that Sonny had moved on from her; the relationship
between Sonny and Duane also deteriorated when he learned that Sonny
had been "goin'
together" with
Jacy that summer during his absence; they quarrelled and physically
scuffled together over Jacy's allegiance, and Sonny was briefly
hospitalized after being hit with a beer bottle in the face and
nearly blinded; Duane decided to join the US Army
Split in Relationship Between Duane and Sonny: Sonny
Injuried in Fight
- double-crossing Jacy's runaway plan worked (and
she even alerted her parents) - she would elope with Sonny and
head toward their honeymoon at Lake Texoma on the Oklahoma/Texas
border; she predicted her parents and state officers would apprehend
them, thwart the marriage and annul it before consummation - and
Jacy would be sent away to college in Dallas; Sonny was returned
to Anarene with Lois in Jacy's convertible; once back in Anarene,
Lois confessed to Sonny that she was Sam's old flame, and that
she fondly recollected their time at the tank together
- meanwhile by the fall of 1952, Duane had briefly
returned home for a short military leave; Sonny and Duane reconciled
as strong friends with each other and attended the 'last picture
show' in the soon-to-close theatre in town - Howard Hawks' western Red
River (1948) before Duane's deployment to fight in the Korean
War; Sonny said goodbye to Duane as he boarded a bus early the next
The Sequence of The Senseless Death
of Sonny's Brother Billy
- afterwards, as Sonny was in the pool hall, he heard
a loud truck horn and the screeching of brakes; outside, Sonny's
mentally retarded brother Billy senselessly died when he was hit
by a truck in a hit-and-run accident -- Sonny gave an anguished
cry: ("He
was sweepin', ya sons of bitches. He was sweepin'!") - before
covering Billy's body with his letter jacket; Sonny was numb with
horror, grief and shock
- deeply depressed, everything in Sonny's life seemed
to have now disintegrated: Duane's departure, Billy's death, and
Jacy's permanent move to Dallas for school; for consolation, he drove
to Ruth Popper's house to make amends after many months; the
abandoned and long-suffering Ruth - surprised by his visit - delivered
an explosive tirade at Sonny for abandoning her when he returned
to her after Billy's death: ("I'm sorry, I'm still in my bathrobe.
What am I doing apologizing to you? Why am I always apologizing
to you, you little bastard?! Three months I've been apologizing
to you without you even bein' here! I haven't done anything wrong.
Why can't I quit apologizin'?! You're the one oughta be sorry!
I wouldn't still be in my bathrobe if it hadn't been for you. I'd
have had my clothes on hours ago. You're the one made me quit caring
if I got dressed or not! I think it's just because your friend
got killed, you want me to forget what you did and make it all
right? I'm not sorry for you. You'd have left Billy too, just like
you left me. I bet you left him plenty of nights whenever Jacy
whistled. I wouldn't treat a dog that way. I guess you thought
I was so old and ugly, you didn't owe me any explanation. You didn't
need to be careful of me. There wasn't anything I could do, so
why should you be careful of me? You didn't love me. Look at me.
Can't you even look at me? See? Shouldn't have come here. I'm around
that corner now. You've ruined it. It's lost completely. Just your
needin' me won't make it come back")
Ruth's Tirade Against Sonny
- in the final moments of the film, Ruth empathically
realized Sonny's pain, forgot her anger, and realized that
he was begging for forgiveness - she bravely and hopefully took
him back and comforted him: ("Never
you mind, honey, never you mind...")

(l to r): Duane (Jeff Bridges), Mute Billy Crawford and Sonny Crawford

Cafe Waitress Genevieve (Eileen Brennan)

Vain Jacy Farrow (Cybil Shepherd)

Threesome: Sonny, Duane, and Jacy

Ruth Popper (Cloris Leachman) - Coach's Wife

Sonny's Passionate First Kiss with Ruth After Xmas Dance
Sonny's Affair with Ruth Popper

Lester and Jacy Arriving at the Nude Pool Party

Host Bobby Sheen with Girlfriend Annie-Annie Martin (Kimberly Hyde):
"Wanna join the club?"

Jacy Nervously Undressing on the Diving Board

Billy With Bloody Nose After Forced to Make Out with Local Waitress in

Sam's Denouncement of the Boys' "Trashy Behavior"
Sam's Eloquent Monologue at the Old Tank Dam to Sonny
About a Long-Lost Love
Duane's and Sonny's Reaction to Sam's Sudden Death During
Their Mexico Trip

Jacy and Duane's Failed First Sexual Encounter in Motel

Jacy to Her Girlfriends: "I just can't describe it in words"

After Jacy and Duane's 2nd Successful Attempt at Sex After Graduation

After Jacy's Sexual Experience with Abilene in Pool Hall: "How about
hoppin' out?"

Jacy Persuaded By Her Mother to Seduce Sonny

Jacy's Contrived Elopement Plan

Lois' Tearful Confession to Sonny that Sam Was Her Lover 20 Years Earlier

Sonny and Duane Reconciled - They Watched the "Last Picture
Show" (Red River)
Last Line - Ruth to Sonny: "Never you mind,
honey, never you mind"