Interstellar (2014)
In co-writer/director Christopher Nolan's
lengthy, gripping, ambitious and dazzling sci-fi family drama - the
epic film was set in a future dystopic time period in the year 2067,
when massive crop failures and incessant dust and sandstorms on the
scorched Earth (a veritable Dust Bowl) threatened humanity's existence
with worldwide famines. The dust storm sequence was inspired and/or
based upon the Ken Burns documentary The Dust Bowl (2012).
The tagline of the big-budget, 'save-the-world' film
was about how mankind was facing extinction: ("The end of Earth
will not be the end of us."). It was an audacious,
gripping tale about finding a new habitable planet via interstellar
travel, surviving in outer space, and efforts to colonize a new world,
with a corresponding personal and sentimental family story. The
film was authentically-researched to bring together art and science,
using the advice of CalTech astrophysicists, among others. Theoretical
physicist Kip Thorne, who wrote the tie-in book The Science of Interstellar,
also served as the film's executive producer and scientific consultant.
From its five Academy Award nominations (Best Original
Score, Best Sound Mixing, Best Sound Editing, and Best Production
Design), it received one Oscar for Best Visual Effects. With a huge
budget of $165 million, the film achieved revenues of $203.2 million
(domestic) and $758.5 million (worldwide).
- in the film's opening prologue set in the year 2067,
an elderly "Murph" (Ellen Burstyn) and others briefly
described - with flashbacks - how the Earth was challenged by massive
dust-storms that devastated crop land and threatened food supplies;
every year that a crop was decimated due to blight (pathogenic
plant diseases), Earth's inhabitants were further threatened with
worldwide starvation and the reduction of oxygen levels

Joseph ("Cooper" or "Coop")
Cooper (Matthew McConaughey)

Daughter - "Murph" Cooper (Mackenzie Foy as Young Girl)

Son - Tom Cooper (Timothee Chalamet)

Father-in-Law Donald (John Lithgow)
- widowed engineer and former NASA pilot Joseph ("Cooper" or "Coop")
Cooper (Matthew McConaughey), now a farmer/homesteader in the Midwest,
lived with his two young children: 15 year-old teenaged son Tom (Timothee
Chalamet), and his 10 year-old daughter Murphy or "Murph" (Mackenzie
Foy as young girl), care for the children was shared with Cooper's
elderly father-in-law Donald (John Lithgow), the father of Cooper's
deceased wife; ex-pilot Cooper resorted to a reclusive life of farming
when NASA cut the government funds that supported his employment
- on the way to a local farm-school parent-teacher
conference, Cooper and his two kids experienced a flat tire in
their truck, but were able to delicately down a lost Indian Air
Force surveillance drone (in the skies for 10 years) that was possibly
looking for a signal; Coop removed its solar power pack to help
power up his farm or drive his combine; at the school, Coop was told
by the school principal (David Oyelowo) that his son's test scores
didn't qualify him for college, but he would make an excellent
farmer; Cooper also squabbled with Murph's teacher Ms. Hanley (Collette
Wolfe) about how she supported a new "corrected"
federal textbook for the students that promoted the claim that
the US' Apollo moon missions had been faked in the 20th century,
for propagandistic purposes, to bankrupt the Soviet Union; Cooper
felt insulted when Ms. Hanley mentioned rockets and other "useless
machines" that had been wastefully designed to leave the planet,
and how Murph had entered into a fist-fight with other students
to protest what the teacher called "Apollo nonsense"
- a strange phenomenon occurred back at the farm -
due to unusual magnetic or gravitational forces, Cooper's harvesting-combine
machines (that he had recently reset) went "haywire" and were found
sitting in his driveway
- in Murph's bedroom, she hypothesized (by using the
scientific method) that a "ghost" might be knocking books off
her shelf to communicate with her; she had used Morse Code to try
and discover a pattern; Cooper stated a key theory - later
proven to be wrong - "I just don't think your bookshelf's trying
to talk to you"
- after a major dust-storm that forced the abrupt
cancellation of a local baseball game featuring the NY Yankees
in town, "Murph" found
strange thick-and-thin dust-patterns on her upstairs bedroom floor
due to an open window; earlier, she thought that her room was possibly
'haunted' by a supernatural intelligent "ghost" (or poltergeist)
throwing books around, but then Cooper theorized that additional
gravitational forces had caused the pattern ("It's gravity"),
and that the patterns could be translated into binary code to reveal
geographical (GPS) coordinates ("It's binary. Thick is one,
thin is zero. Coordinates")
- "Coop" (with his curious daughter sneaking
a ride under a blanket in the truck) were summoned to the geographical
location that was a 6 hours journey away from the farm; at a locked
gate where they were approached by an ex-Marine military-security
companion robot (named TARS), the two were taken into custody and
brought into a secret underground NASA facility-laboratory headed
by one of the scientists, Dr. Amelia Brand (Anne Hathaway); Coop
was reunited with Amelia's father - his former supervisor/mentor
and NASA scientist - Professor John Brand (Michael Caine); there
under the guidance of Professor Brand, a group of astronauts and
scientists including Williams (William Devane) were struggling
to save the world

Professor John Brand (Michael Caine) - NASA Scientist

Williams (William Devane)

Dr. Amelia Brand (Anne Hathaway)
- "Coop" was informed by Professor Brand
that they were a top-secret offshoot of NASA (Coop's previous employer),
supported by secret government funding; they were tackling the
problem of how to sustain human life; future
blights (and the decimation of the last crop of corn) would eventually
lead humans suffering from a lack of oxygen ("The last people
to starve will be the first to suffocate"); the current youthful
generation would be the last to survive on Earth; they were on
a search for other habitable planets through interstellar travel that could
sustain human life and save the world; Brand bluntly stated: "We're
not meant to save the world. We're meant to leave it"
- Coop learned about previous "Lazarus" missions
(with 12 astronauts) sent 10 years earlier that traversed through
a wormhole named Gargantua (that had mysteriously appeared or developed
48 years earlier near the rings of Saturn - who put it there?);
all of the missions went through Gargantua and entered into another
faraway distant galaxy orbiting Gargantua that had 12 potentially-habitable
worlds [Note: Who had deliberately created the wormhole to provide
a way for the human race to enter into a galaxy with other worlds?
Were 'they' benevolent alien intelligences or super-advanced humans
from the future who had mastered quantum mechanics?]
- 10 years previously, the objective of each of the
12 solo-mission astronauts in 12 Ranger-launchers was to evaluate
one world for possible colonizing; out of the 12 worlds, three
returned data that their world was a potentially-habitable planet-world;
each one was named after the astronaut-scientist leading the sub-mission:
Dr. Laura Miller, Dr. Wolf Edmunds, and Dr. Mann
- Brand described and proposed how a new mission
would be launched where the previous
missions had searched, to find out whether any of the three missions
had discovered a viable planet for human life; once it was determined
which world was most suitable for colonization, a massive NASA
space-station (or compound) would be launched to enable Earth's exodus - Plan A
- Professor Brand also explained how he was still
working on a complicated equation to solve problematic gravity
issues involving how to effectively launch heavy objects (fuel and
people) with the current rocket power; his basic objective was to
manipulate and control gravity, and he promised he would solve it
once "Murph" returned; if Plan A (a massive exodus on a space-station)
proved to be impossible, he also described an alternative Plan
B - a back-up plan to have Endurance loaded
with the seeds of new human life (5,000 frozen, fertilized eggs/embryos);
10 initial embryos would be incubated and used, and exponentially
would be able to repopulate and create a colony of 100s of humans in just a few decades
- "Coop" faced the difficult decision to be separated
from his family for years, and his daughter "Murph" was distraught;
he told his father-in-law about his destiny as a chosen one to
leave Earth and save humanity: "Mankind was born on Earth. It was
never meant to die here"; he gave "Murph" a gift of a matching
wristwatch, to compare their relative ages at various times; he
also mentioned that they might be the same age when he returned
due to time-space relativity
- "Coop" agreed to pilot the lengthy mission
on the last available in-orbit mother-ship Endurance;
Cooper's 2 year-voyage to Saturn for the mission launched with
fellow crew members-astronauts, including:
- Dr. Amelia Brand (Anne Hathaway), Professor
Brand's strong-willed daughter and biotechnologist
- Dr. Doyle (Wes Bentley), co-pilot/researcher
- Dr. Nikolai "Rom" Romilly
(David Gyasi), a second science researcher
- TARS (voice of Bill Irwin) - a wise-cracking,
decommissioned militarized security-robot
- accompanying the crew was TARS was a talkative,
witty, boxy, monolithic-shaped robot with a voice like HAL (with
nods to Kubrick's 2001:
A Space Odyssey (1968)) and a computer screen; the
four long 'fingers' or planks of TARS allowed it to walk in different
configurations; also along for the journey was CASE (voice of Josh
Stewart) - TARS' twin, although more quiet and reserved; it had
a two-legged gait, a "crutch
walk," a scissors kick, and it could do a full-on four-legged

TARS - Normal Configuration

TARS - 4 Long Fingers Modified For Fast Mobility

- as planned, the mission's shuttle docked
with the mother ship Endurance,
already in orbit; inside, the crew of astronauts placed themselves
within "cryo-pods" (cryogenic chambers) for deep sleep during
an almost 2-year journey to Saturn (after traveling 8 months
to Mars, they performed a slingshot maneuver toward Saturn
that would take another 14 months); awakening later near Saturn,
Cooper received a video message from Earth from his family members, but there was
no message from "Murph"
- the flight mission entered the circle-shaped
wormhole or black-hole ("a spherical hole"), and then chose to investigate
the closest planet first, where Dr. Laura Miller's mission had
searched earlier; due to the planet's close proximity to the wormhole
of Gargantua, gravitational forces had caused drastic changes in
time - one hour on the planet's surface equaled 7 years back on
Earth!; after a difficult landing attempt in the shuttle Ranger (by
pilot Coop) on the planet's watery surface, the
expedition (Amelia, Doyle and TARS) discovered wreckage of the transmitting
beacon and other parts from Miller's failed expedition in the water; due
to Gargantua's strong pull, a huge tidal wave struck and killed
Doyle, and swamped the shuttle with water; the
shuttle had to be drained of water, taking decades and jeopardizing
their mission (Coop: "We're stuck here till there won't be anyone
left on Earth to save"); Amelia theorized about Miller's fate:
"On this planet's time, she just
landed hours ago. She probably just died minutes ago"
- once they were back with Endurance, Dr.
Romilly told them that 23 years, 4 months and 8 days had passed;
years of video messages had been received and stored; by now, Cooper's
son Tom had grown up (Casey Affleck as young adult), was married
to Lois (Leah Cairns) and was living and working on the farm; in
a later message, Tom had lost his son Jesse, and Donald had also
died; grown-up daughter "Murph" (Jessica Chastain as young adult)
also left her first message; she had become a brilliant Plan A
NASA scientist, who was working with the aging Professor Brand,
and was now communicating with her lost-in-space father; Brand
was continuing to work on a gravity manipulation equation

Grown-Up Daughter Murphy's (Jessica Chastain) First
Video Message to Her Father on Endurance

Murphy Now Working With Aging Dr. Brand on His Gravitational
- low on fuel, the Endurance's mission was
only capable of visiting one other planet; the one investigated
by Mann (Matt Damon) was still transmitting data (but was sterile
and had no organic life); Amelia proposed visiting
Edmunds' planet with better and "more promising" data;
Cooper suspected her choice was due to the concealed fact that she
was in love with Dr. Wolf Edmunds; she delivered a wonderful soliloquy
to Cooper about the power of love:
- "When I say that love isn't something we
invented, observable, powerful. It [love] has to mean something...
Maybe it means something more, something we can't yet understand.
Maybe it's some evidence, some artifact of a higher dimension
that we can't consciously perceive. I'm drawn across the universe
to someone I haven't seen in a decade who I know is probably
dead. Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving
that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should
trust that, even if we can't understand it yet"
Cooper overruled her, however, due to her perceived
lack of objectivity, and set the course with CASE toward Mann's planet
- meanwhile on Earth during a rare visit to the farm
(that was continuing to lose acreage), Murphy noticed that Tom's
and Lois' young son Coop (Liam Dickinson) had a serious respiratory
problem; also, the dying Professor Brand had been placed in the
ICU, where he admitted to Murph that the idea of Plan A and an "equation"
were basically "monstrous lies" and frauds: ("I let
you all down...Forgive me, Murph...I lied to you"); he hinted
that he lacked the information (the black hole's gravitational singularity
data) needed to completely solve the equation; it also
crossed Murphy's mind, as she sent a video message to Dr. Amelia Brand
about her father's death, that her own father had possibly left Earth
knowing about their ultimate fate of starvation and suffocation: ("You
left us here to suffocate. To starve. Did my father know too? Dad,
I just want to know if you left me here to die. I just have to know")
- with the lander-shuttle, Cooper and his crew landed
on the inhospitable and ice-covered
surface of Dr. Mann's planet; in Mann's base camp, he was awakened
from cryo-stasis, and was overjoyed - he had arrived 10 years earlier;
he described the typical day as being 67 long and cold days and
the same 67 hours at night; at higher elevations, the air was ammonia-filled,
but breathable according to his data probes at surface elevations;
while talking to Mann, Amelia received Murphy's video message about
her father's death; and then Murphy declared: "This is all a sham"
- she also asked if her own father had known about the fraud; the
heart-wrenching video was devastating to both of them; Mann admitted
that he was aware that Dr. Brand had already known years earlier
that he couldn't solve the equation without additional data from
the black hole singularity to completely solve the equation; in
reality, Dr. Brand had more hope in his alternative Plan B - to
populate another planet using frozen embryos
- Dr. Mann went on to explain that without the equation,
it would be almost impossible for the Endurance to
return through the black hole, and not possible to launch a
space station to transport humans to reach the planet due to strong
gravitational forces from the black hole; Brand knew that if he
had divulged the truth, the human race would panic about their
doom and not work together to save others: ("He knew how hard it
would be to get people to work together to save the species instead
of themselves. Or their children"); Cooper decided that he must
find a way to return to Earth, and use TARS on the way as a probe
to gather the crucial singularity data from within the black hole
- while alone on the planet with Cooper on a scouting
trip, Dr. Mann made an attempt on Cooper's
life and damaged his helmet as part of his plan of sabotage; his
goal was to prevent Cooper from leaving, and confessed that he
had faked data about the uninhabitable planet, so that he
could be rescued by the Endurance crew:
("I can't let you leave with that ship. We're gonna need it
to complete the mission, once the others realize what this place
isn't. We cannot survive here...I knew the day that I arrived here
that this place had nothing...if I just pressed that button, then
somebody would come and save me"); Cooper was able to alert
Amelia to his compromised breathing condition and she saved
him, but back at the base, Dr. Romilly died
due to a booby-trap placed inside Mann's dismantled robot KIPP
(to prevent the discovery of his falsified data); at the same time,
Mann stole the lander-shuttle and attempted to hijack the Endurance
and maroon Brand and Cooper; he died in a crash-explosion while
attempting an unauthorized docking of the lander with the Endurance;
in a second shuttle, Amelia and Cooper used up precious fuel as
they chased after their damaged, spinning mother-ship but were
able to synchronize and dock with it, although they realized they
were now heading directly into the black hole's gravitational pull
- after the various catastrophes,
subterfuge, failures, double-crosses, deaths and challenges during
the space adventure, it was impossible to make it back to Earth;
the only remaining viable plan (for survivors Amelia, Cooper, and
the two robots TARS and CASE) was to attempt to land on the final
and 3rd planet named Edmunds; the plan was to slingshot on a
gravity-assisted path around the black hole of Gargantua to save
fuel, but they consumed another 51 years during the maneuver;
without warning Amelia, Cooper sacrificed himself by ejecting his
heavy, auxiliary Ranger 2 space-shuttle from Endurance,
to allow Amelia (and CASE) to reach their destination; he flew in
his shuttle directly into the black hole of Gargantua, at the same
time that TARS also disengaged and flew into the wormhole, to function
as a probe in order to glimpse the singularity and relay the quantum
data to NASA on Earth

Cooper and Amelia Sucked Into Gargantua

Without Warning Amelia, Cooper Detached His Space-Shuttle From

Cooper's Shuttle Heading Toward the Wormhole's 'Event

In the 'Event Horizon' - Blackness and Beams of Light
- in the point-of-no-return 'event horizon' (the surrounding
boundary of the wormhole) of Gargantua, Cooper lost control of
his shuttle, ejected from the shuttle, and was sucked into
light beams; both Cooper and TARS fell into a 3-D "tesseract"; Cooper
viewed an infinite number of copies of Murph's childhood bedroom
(and bookshelves) and was able to see inside; he was able to view
Murph (both young and old), and even himself, as he communicated
the word "STAY"; he was begging for them to keep him there and prevent
him from abandoning them and his family ("Make him stay, Murph. Don't
let me leave, Murph!"), but they didn't understand the word's meaning
- while Murphy was visiting the family home, she realized
that Cooper was cleverly sending messages
to her via books falling off the shelf; the older Murph also sensed
that her father had been the "ghost" in her room when
she was a child ("You were my ghost") - but now they were on different
planes of time and space; he was the one who had sent the NASA
facility's coordinates (translated into binary) to himself, through
dust pattern-markings on the floor
Cooper Viewing Younger and Older "Murphs" Through
the Book-Shelves, and Communicating the Word "STAY"
- still in the tesseract, Cooper reestablished
communications with TARS, who explained that they were in a 5th
dimension, created by alien beings: "They constructed this three-dimensional
space inside their five-dimensional reality to allow you to understand
it...time is represented here as a physical dimension"; Cooper
deduced that the earlier suspected alien beings in the room were
actually ultra-advanced, intelligent humans (like himself) in the
far future, not 5-D beings; he also realized that gravity
would allow him, in the constructed "tesseract" space, to enable
communications with Earthlings: ("Gravity can cross the dimensions,
including time"); the older Murph then understood:
"It's not a ghost, it's gravity"; Cooper also experienced
a breakthrough revelation: "I brought myself here! We're here to
communicate with the three-dimensional world. We're the bridge!
I thought they chose me. But they didn't choose me, they chose
her...to save the world"
- during TARS' presence inside the wormhole, the robot
probe had captured and obtained the crucial quantum data on the
black hole's gravitational singularity; Cobb sent the data to Murph
in a Morse Coded message that moved the second hand on his wristwatch
gift lovingly given to her before he left; "Coop" was
able to communicate with the older Murph, who sensed he was possibly
trying to save her; she rushed outside and told her brother: "He came
back! It was him all the time! I didn't know. it was him! Dad's gonna save us"
- the data enabled Murph to
solve the equation and manipulate gravity; this would allow for the
space station to successfully launch and evacuate people from Earth,
enabling the survival of humanity through a mass exodus. After Coop's
completion of his successful communications, the "tesseract" collapsed
and ejected him and TARS from the black hole back into Saturn's
orbit; Cooper again reiterated: "They're not 'Beings.' They're
us. What I've been doing for Murph, they're doing for me. For all of us"
- in the film's conclusion, "Coop" and
TARS had been rescued in the year 2156 by humans; he was inside a
massive O'Neill tube-shaped cylinder - the Cooper Space
Station orbiting around Saturn that had been named after Murph;
it was the first colony-settlement; "Coop" awakened in
a hospital room and was told that he was 124 years old, but still
middle-aged due to the warped time-space continuum in Gargantua
- a few weeks later, Coop was shown a restored
reconstruction of his old farmhouse, now functioning as a museum;
he was also reunited with a disabled TARS and spent time rebuilding
his partner-robot; after his now-elderly daughter "Murph"
was brought out of 2 years of cryo, they spent a few moments
together when she assured him: "I knew you'd come back....because
my Dad promised me"; she was on her deathbed, but urged him
to continue on to go and find Amelia Brand on Edmunds' planet:
("She's out there setting up camp. Alone in a strange galaxy")

Amelia on Edmunds' Habitable Planet
Coop's Long-Awaited Reunion with His Now-Elderly Daughter Murph
- in the film's final moments, "Coop" and
the rehabilitated TARS set out on another (unauthorized) mission
on a spacecraft to search for Amelia and CASE; she had landed on
Edmunds' third habitable (arid and dry) planet (Edmunds was found
dead and buried under a pile of rocks), and had set up a viable
base-camp; she was about to initiate the alternative Plan B - to
prepare the planet's colony for repopulation and human settlement
with the embryos

"Murph" (Ellen Burstyn as Elderly Adult) - In
Prologue Explaining the Drought and Dust Storms
(l to r): "Murph," Tom, and "Coop"

School Officials: (l to r) Principal (David Oyelowo) and Ms. Hanley (Collette

Murph Using Morse Code to Determine If Books Knocked Off Her Bedroom Shelf
Were Creating a Pattern of Communication

Dust-Storm Interrupting Baseball Game in Town

At a Secret NASA Facility, Coop Detained and Questioned
by TARS Robot

Dr. Nikolai "Rom" Romilly (David Gyasi)

Dr. Doyle (Wes Bentley)

Professor Brand's Attempt to Solve an Equation to Deal With Gravitational Issues
- To Get a Massive Space-Station Into Orbit

Gift of Matching Wrist-watches

Distraught Over "Coop's" Departure

The Space Shuttle Docking With the In-Orbit Mother Ship Endurance

Endurance Entering Into the Gargantua Wormhole or Black-Hole ("a spherical

The Shuttle Landing On the Watery Surface of Dr. Miller's Planet

Amelia, Doyle and TARS Exploring Watery Surface

Shuttle Atop Massive Tidal Wave on Miller's Planet

Dr. Amelia Brand's Speech on the Transcendent Power of Love Across Time and Space

The Dying Professor Brand Admitting to Murphy His Fraudulent Idea of Plan A and
The Solving of an Equation

Cooper After
Landing on Dr. Mann's Ice-Covered Planet

Dr. Mann (Matt Damon) - Awakened From Cryo-Stasis

Murphy's Heart-Wrenching Video Message to Amelia (About Her Father's Death),
About the Sham, and Her Question About Whether Her Father Knew

Dr. Mann on a Scouting Expedition On the Icy Planet with Cooper

Dr. Mann's Astounding Confession About the Planet: "This place had nothing"

Explosion During Mann's Improper Docking Procedure with Endurance

Cooper's Joy at Docking Successfully With Endurance

After Ejecting From the Shuttle Within the 'Event Horizon' - Cooper in
a "Tesseract" Viewing Copies of Murph's Bedroom and Book Shelves

Older Murph's Realization: "You were my ghost"

Cooper's Breakthrough Revelation about Murphy: "They didn't choose me,
they chose her...to save the world"

Cooper Communicating Coded Quantum Data Through His Wristwatch to the
Older Murph

Murphy's Solving of the Gravity Equation